Saturday, May 4, 2013

What treats are good for dwarf hamsters?

Q. I'm getting a hamster and I just need to know everything. I already know what cage I'm gonna get, and ball, and bedding, and stuff. All I need to know now is what treats dwarf hamsters like. And it has to be from Petco or Petsmart.

A. Whenever it comes to pets, try to avoid processed food at all costs (stuff that isn't natural like biscuts, chews, ect)

Companies tend to put alot of unhealthy dyes and chemicals in them. Unless they are good for grinding down teeth (like toy wood blocks), do not buy treats from a petstore.

So what I usually give as treats for my hammies are things I wouldn't hesitate to eat, such as-

Romaine lettuce
Cooked egg yolk
sunflower seeds (unsalted)
Timothy hay

The list goes on. Remember to only feed TINY portions (like the size of your pinky fingernail) and only one treat a day.

If you want more ideas, just google "hamster safe food list"

What do Guinea Pigs eat besides Guinea Pig food?
Q. I have two guinea pigs, and every morning I like the feed them their "Morning Feast" which usually consists of celery, green pepper, carrots, clovers, and Timothy hay. I feel like the guinea pigs are getting bored of the same thing every morning. What else should they have?

A. Hi! Here is a list from!

Red/Green/Yellow/Orange Bell Pepper
Baby Carrots
Romaine & Other Varieties Lettuce (not iceburg lettuce)
Fresh Dandelion Leaves (from garden)
Fresh Dandelion Flowers (from garden)
Fresh Grass (from garden)
Fresh White Clover (from garden)
Chinese/Red/Savoy Cabbage
Seedless Grapes
Seedless Tangerine Pieces
Orange Pieces
Corn on the Cob
Green Beans
Baby Sweet Corn
Cauliflower leaves
Yam/Sweet Potato
Seedless Raisins (cannot be raw)

â¦Avoid Theseâ¦

Coconut Very fattening
Avocado Very fattening
Nuts Very fattening
Seeds Choking hazard
Rhubarb Poisonous
Lentils Poisonous
Onions, Garlic Poisonous
Tomato Stalk/Leaves Poisonous
Iceburg Lettuce Water content too high
Sugary Fruit Juices/Squash Too sugary but sugar-free or unsweetened are fine
'Junk Food' Cake, Crisps, Sweets, Popcorn etc Very fattening and sugary
Anything Cooked - All the veggies you give your piggies HAVE to be raw
Potatoes - Yams and sweet potatoes are acceptable to feed guinea pigs
Most Dairy - No milk, cheese etc
Prepared Food - All foods must be raw
Jams, Jellies - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Meat - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Dry Beans
Tea, Coffee, Fizz etc
Hot Peppers, Herbs, Spices

And with their morning feast, make sure its just one cup per piggie so that they don't get bloated. And although they need it for vitamin C, don't give them too much fruit because it is highly sugary, and some are a little too acidic.

Hope I helped! :)

what fruits and vegetables ARE okay to feed your guinea pig?
Q. I have a guinea pig, and he loves to eat fruits and veggies. I have been on many websites and they all say different things... so do you have any recommendations for what fruits and vegetables are good for guinea pigs, that they will like?

A. --Hi Meghan Lee--

--I have listed below the fruits and veggies that are OK for you to feed your piggies. Next to each one I'vee written how much you should give of each one, and underneath that the ones that are bad for your guinea pig and why.

--You should be giving your cavy 1 cup of a variety of veggies each day, and maybe a few pieces of fruit per week. This is because fruits are high in Vitamin C, but they are very sugary and this is bad for your guinea pig. Veggies, however aren't so bad and contain loads of Vitamin C.

--If you are not sure if Youre guinea pig will like some, do a little taster session, to see what he tries, eats or leaves completely.

-------Here is a list of most of them you CAN give-------

(Obviously you are not going to give all of these per day, just a guide here and you can pick and mix each day).

--Red or green bell peppers - Remove the seeds first. Give about 1/7.

--Broccoli - Not very much as can cause gas in guinea pigs. They like the stalk most, or any leftovers your family has (NOT COOKED!)

--Carrot - Helps wear they'ree teeth down if given quite big chunks. Leaves are OK to leave on as they enjoy them too.

--Kale - My piggies don't eat this, but some is OK.

--Romaine lettuce (not iceburg lettuce) - Should be given regularly as it helps maintain a healthy, shiny coat and nice strong teeth.

--Celery - They love the leaves most! You shouldn't give the bottom bit though, it has strings that can get caught in the piggy's digestive system.

--Fresh dandelion leaves (from garden) - You can give plenty of these! (Not the flowers of course).

--Fresh grass (from garden) Again, they love this like dandelion leaves

--Baby tomatoes

--Parsley - Super source of vitamin C, you can give quite a lot.

--Cucumber - Quite a lot can be given at once.

--Apples - A couple of pieces at once, my piggies LOVE IT!!

--Pears - A few pieces only as it is sugary, like most other fruits.

--Seedless grapes - Make sure they ARE seedless, seeds aren't good for cavies. 1 is enough.

--Satsuma pieces - Not much, maybe 1 a few days a week.

--Corn on the cob - Quite a lot can be given.

--Bananas - Maybe a couple of pieces a week.

--Green Beans - Don't give much of this, too much will not do your piggy any good.

--Strawberries - Cut it up into quarters, don't give much as fruit is full of sugar!

--Baby Sweet corn - Baby corn when it is crunchy and fresh is a hit with guinea pigs! Not too much at once though.

--Melon - Only very small pieces.

--Cauliflower leaves - A few is fine.

My website page about diets, please visit for even more info about a cavy's diet, and maybe even sign up!

--------Most of them you CANNOT give---------

--lceburg lettuce - too watery and contains toxins which are very harmful.





Overall, your guinea pig's diet should have 1 cup of mixed veggies a day (half in the morning, half at night, or split it into 3rds and include lunchtime), 1-2 ceramic food bowls of cavy cereal/pellets (I use Gerty Guinea Pig) a day. Unlimited Timothy hay round the clock (Alfalfa for young pups and pregnant sows). A fresh bottle of water each day, and a few pieces of fruit each week. In the summer (or when it's warm and dry) they should be able to go outside on the grass it eat it and exercises.


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