Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trying to learn objective C independently with minimal programming background?

Q. The other day I ordered two books:
1) Objective C programing: The big nerd ranch guide
2) iOS Programing: The big nerd ranch guide (3rd edition)

From the reviews on Amazon, these two books got the least negative feedback and both were recommended for beginners.

Is there anything else I need? Anything I should do? My goal is to learn objective C and code iPhone apps. Is a mac required to do this or is my dell fine.

Sorry for all the questions, but I am new to programing and I feel like I will need more resources than what I have.

A. A Mac is required.

Mac mini's sell for pretty cheap though, you will need xCode to make your apps and an apple dev account to publish them. ($100/yr) i believe.

I want to program java and ios apps?
Q. Can anyone tell me all the info i need and anything i need to download what languages i'll have to learn,etc. thanks(:

Oh also i'm 14

A. Go on iTunesU and find "iPad and iPhone Application Development" for video lectures, its not enough though and there are prerequisites.

You'll need to learn Objective-C to program iOS apps, this is a great book to start:

After that move on to the Big Nerd Ranch book:

Even after all that its not enough, you'll just need to do some projects as you learn I suppose.

How can I make an app?
Q. Has anyone seen the app "ifunny"? Its a great app if you find a picture that's actually funny. Most of the posts on there are reposts, kiks, rates and just really nasty crap that has no place on an app. My friends and i (sophomores-juniors in high school) all want to try and make an app that has funny pictures like ifunny (original, of course) and we would be the moderators.

We would like to know if there are any programs that help you make apps, preferably free. And exactly how much does it cost to have an app in Apple's app store? Any tips?

The programs don't have to be at a beginner level but, please, nothing designed for experts in programing areas.

A. The main app you use to develop apps for iOS is called Xcode. It only runs on the mac platform and comes with your mac on one of the cd's. I learned to develop iOS apps from these sources:

Don't forget that Google is you best friend!

Also the people here are extremely helpful if you have a question or problem.

It is actually free to have and submit apps to the app store but to do that you have to be part of the Apple Developers program( which is currently $100.00 USD a year.

Good luck!


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Can I use a D-Link adapter usb to Connect to the internet without Airport card on macbook?

Q. Well I ordered a macbook pro and its airport card is broken so I cant use wireless internet and i have a D-Link usb adapter can I use that for wireless internet?

A. To answer your question, yes, you should be able to use any USB wireless adapter, or any USB device in general, assuming the manufacturer has Mac drivers available if its not already supported in OSX.

But back up just a second... You ordered a macbook pro (i'm assuming brand new since you didn't state otherwise) and its airport card is broken? Unless you mean "its broken because i dropped my macbook down some stairs and now the wireless card doesn't work" then I would get that puppy to an Apple store or authorized repair center and have it taken care of under your warranty. I'll provide a link to locating an AASP.

How do I network a printer that goes through an XP computer to a Mac OSX computer?
Q. I want to be able to print from the Mac OSX computer directly to the printer that is hooked up to my Win XP computer. They are both connected to a Linksys router. I can't even get them to talk yet so that I can share files. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know how to do it if it was 2 PCs but this Mac thing is throughing me for a loop.
I was already using the XP computer to network with another XP computer and share files and the printer. But now that I'm hooked up to the Mac it's not working.

A. The Mac needs to be talking IP not appletalk. Here is a link for configuring TCP/IP on a MAC.
Once you get them talking you will be able to create a share on the MAC to use the printer, If the printer is directly attached to the PC, then you will need to create a share. The second link is how to select a printer via MAC OS for TCP/IP. TX

Is there a way to get an older version of iMovie when I am currently usuing Mac OSX Leopard?
Q. I feel like before I upgraded my OSX iMovie was a lot more user friendly and I was wondering how I could get an older version of it even if I dont have the original OS that had the iMovie on it.

A. The actual OS does not come with a version of iMovie installed. New computers do, and others need to upgrade. If you move up from OS 10.4 to 10.5 you need to buy the iLife '08 package to get the new iLife programs.

That being said, if you have upgraded to iLife '08 and the new iMovie '08 there is a way to "downgrade" your iMovie. Apple was flooded with complaints from people who were unhappy with the "dumbing down" of iMovie in the new release and wanted their old iMovie HD back. They put a link online at where users who have installed iMovie '08 can download the older version and "downgrade" back to the older version.

There are pros and cons of both versions but the one missing feature in iMovie '08 is the ability to tweak audio levels. You can fade out and fade in but cannot fade in the middle of a song like before. Audio editing in iMovie '08 is actually really poor. On the other hand the real-time editing of '08 is fantastic and the interface is definitely cleaner.

Good luck!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to set up an IMAP mail server with a Mac?

Q. I am looking to set up an IMAP server for my pop email accounts. I would like to find a complete walkthrough for setting up some kind of server for this purpose running OSX (preferably). Any links to sites detailing this or your own walkthrough is greatly welcomed. Thanks.

A. Depending on how someone interprets your question, it is either not possible, or not practical.

What you're asking literally is how to set up a server to communicate to a server. This isn't very practical, because if you were setting up your own server for email, it would make more sense to go ahead and host the mail client on your own server, instead of using a third-party mail client. You would have to have an always-on machine, as well as a static IP from your ISP.

What you're most likely asking (but using the wrong terminology) is that you want to take advantage of IMAP syncing with a POP3 account. This isn't possible, because the mail client has to provide this functionality.

You would be better off just getting a free gmail account, or MobileMe if you wanted PUSH on your mobile device. Both can use IMAP.

What's the best way to remotely sync two drives running OSX 10.5?
Q. I would like to daily sync my main storage drive at the office with one at a satellite office. The reasons for this are (1) to be able to access file from either location, and (2) to have an off-site backup. I've been looking at OpenVPN running on a dd-wrt enhanced router, but this looks like it might not be very reliable.

All of our computers are Macs.

Any suggestions?

A. You want Apple remote desktop.

Alternatively you could sign up for a Mobileme account with Apple which does all that stuff too.

Why is my OSX Lion Mail app Not in sync with my iphone mail app?
Q. When I erase an email on my iphone mail app from hotmail it does not get erased on my OSX Lion Mail app. How do I correct this because it is getting very old having to erase the same messages twice!

A. Go into itunes click on your iDevice and click the info tab, Scroll down to mail click sync mail and select whatever your mail app's called (I'm Win7 so I dunno what it's called) then click apply. Should fix it. If not, go into settings on your idevice and into mail and make sure it deletes from the server and not just from device, or make sure you mac's mail app only displays mail from the server/does not cache eMails

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Monday, March 18, 2013

How do I update my iMovie without getting a new Mac?

Q. I realized that there is an update version of iMovie. I got my iMac in '09 and I want to update my iMovie. Is there a way to do this without getitng a new iMac?

A. Go to the Mac App Store, buy iMovie, download.

How Do You Know If Your iMovie Has Been Updated?
Q. I downloaded the update for iMovie 9.0.2. It said that the Installation was completed. How do i really know if my iMovie has been updated? When i put my mouse over the iMovie icon in the dock should it say "iMovie 9.0.2."? Because everything seems the same. Please help? Thanks.

A. Right-click on the iMovie icon in the dock, choose 'Show in Finder'. When it shows the iMovie application (highlighted), press Cmd-i to view the properties, or right-click on the application and choose 'Get Info'.

Or, open the folder 'Applications', right-click on the iMovie application and choose 'Get Info'.

Or, launch iMovie, then, from the iMovie's menu bar, choose iMovie->About iMovie.

How can i get either sony vegas pro 9 or imovie'11 on my computers ?
Q. i have a mac book 10.5.8 but it says i need a snow leopard software update for imovie'11 to work . i also have a dell dimension 3000 but if i try to download just videos from my camera it doesn't work and i have heard that its so behind the times even if i did install new software it wouldn't be worth it . Any suggestions or instructions as for the best and cheapest thing to do would be hugely appreciated !

A. Upgrade your outdated OS and install iMovie11.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is the easiest laptop that is not a Mac to use for an elementary teacher?

Q. Price limit is not an option. I mainly concern with WiFI, battery life, if it has Microsoft Word, and Windows XP. I wil be creating lesson plans on it and I am not that great with computers. So I want the laptop to be reliable and not complicating to set up. I want a laptop that I can get a lot of good years out of!

A. What determines if a computer is easy or not? Software, right? All PCs come with Windows, but a Mac comes with Mac OS X, the most advanced and easiest to use operating system in the world! Plus, if there's an Apple store near you, they have personalized classes you can take, or plenty of online tutorials strait from Apple!

Take some time to watch this video:

Also, check out iWork. It is made by Apple, and it's soooo much easier to use than MS Word. I started out using MS Word, but Pages just takes the cake. You don't have to fight with putting images within your document. It is so much more fluid. Check out some of the tutorials:

What mac book pro should i get anf what should i get with it?
Q. 13,15,or17 inch and what processor and what apps like iwork and Microsoft office. I don't realy use a computer for stuff other than watch movies and videos from netflix and youtube and I go to school. In 7th grade. I turned 13 2 days ago what should I get?

A. Mac Books can be much easier to use for some people vs. a PC; however, you may be buying a computer that is overpowered, and are thus spending more than you need, if all you intend to use it for is watching movies and doing school work.

Most PC's tend to have more gaming options if you think you'll be gaming on your computer. Additionally, a decently priced ($400-500) PC like Toshiba, Lenovo or Acer should be more than enough. Go for a Dual Core processor around 1.5 Ghz (1.2 through 1.8 GHZ) with 2 GB of ram and a 250-500 GB hard drive. That should be enough.

For school work, save yourself some money by Downloading OpenOffice from for free!

What are the benefits of a Mac over a PC?
Q. What would make me want to spend twice the price for a Mac, especially with the economy as bad as it is?
I'm trying to decide if I should get the Macbook or something like this:

A. It totally depends on what you want to use the machine for.

Macs are nice...I bought one for my wife last year and she loves it. Me, I don't use the thing very much, because I'm a .NET developer and spend my days in a windows environment. She does all kinds of picture stuff, along with the usual word processing and surfing. For her purposes, it's a very very easy system to use and she never has any quirky problems with it. Nearly everything she gets for it is plug and play or very easy to install. Getting it setup on our home network was cake (and the home network is PC based...).

All that said..Apple makes the most proprietary stuff in the world. If you want something for your Mac, you'll likely get it from Apple, and it will cost you more. They are getting better with a lot of stuff, but you've still got a lot to deal with. You can install MS Office on a mac, and it works just as well...but iWork...well, I personally think that is a crappy application at best.

If you are not a Windows power user, you will not regret your decision to purchase a macbook. It will work well, it'll be fast, and it'll be easy to use.

Still, don't listen too much to the Vista haters out there...nearly every vista hater out there has never owned vista, and has not likely tried to install any of their apps in a vista environment. Vista has improved, and is not nearly as bad as it was when it hit the streets. So don't let "vista sucks" be the sole reason for buying a mac.

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what is exactly the difference between mac os x and snow leopard?

Q. I just bought the new 2011 macbook pro and was wondering that my mac came with max osx 10.6.6. What is the purpose of snow leopard or whatever its called. Is it for a more specialized software for developers or is it an upgrade like vista to windows 7? And I heard that mac os Lion is coming out this summer as well too. So basically what is it for and should I buy it when it comes out. Thank you in advance.

A. Sy,

"Mac OS X" is the current nomenclature of the operating system used on Apple laptops and desktop computers. "Mac OS X" is analogous to "Microsoft Windows" in that it indicates which operating system you are using but not which version of the operating system. "Snow Leopard" is the codename for Mac OS X 10.6.

Apple Inc. has extremely competitive pricing for their operating system upgrades. I expect that Mac OS X Lion will be priced at ~ $29 - $49 based on previous experience. "Lion" is expected to bring significant improvements in the user experience based on Apple's mobile operating system "iOS." For example:

Launchpad - Launchpad gives you instant access to your apps â iPad style. Just click the Launchpad icon in your Dock. Your open windows fade away, replaced by an elegant, full-screen display of all the apps on your Mac. It takes just a swipe to see multiple pages of apps, and you can arrange them any way you like by dragging icons to different locations or by grouping apps in folders. And when you download an app from the Mac App Store, it automatically appears in Launchpad.

Full Screen Apps - On iPad, every app is displayed full screen, with no distractions, and thereâs one easy way to get back to all your other apps. Mac OS X Lion does the same for your desktop. You can make a window in an app full screen with one click, switch to another appâs full-screen window with a swipe of the trackpad, and swipe back to the desktop to access your other apps â all without ever leaving the full-screen experience. Systemwide support allows third-party developers to take advantage of full-screen technology to make their apps more immersive, too. So you can concentrate on every detail of your work, or play on a grander scale than ever before.*

Mission Control - Mission Control is a powerful and handy new feature that provides you with a comprehensive look at whatâs running on your Mac. It gives you a birdâs-eye view of everything â including Dashboard and full-screen apps â all in one place. With a simple swipe, your desktop zooms out to Mission Control. There you can see your open windows grouped by app, thumbnails of your full-screen apps, and Dashboard, arranged in a unified view. And you can get to anything you see in Mission Control with just one click. Making you the master of all you survey.

Gestures and Animations - Multi-Touch gestures make everything you do on iPad easy and intuitive. Now a richer Multi-Touch experience comes to the Mac. Enjoy more fluid and realistic gesture responses, including rubber-band scrolling, page and image zoom, and full-screen swiping. In Mac OS X Lion, every swipe, pinch, and scroll looks and feels more responsive and lifelike.

How can I get OS X Mountain Lion on an unsupported Mac?
Q. Is there any program or hack that can make OS X Mountain Lion run on an unsupported Mac?
Illegal? It shouldn't be illegal... Apple is so greedy. They just want you to buy a new computer. It's another one of Apple's countless money scams.

A. It has nothing to do with Apple being greedy. It's no different from Windows. You couldn't install 7 or Vista or XP on a Pentium 1. Very few software hardware relationships last forever. An old computer wouldn't even be capable of carrying enough RAM to run the interface. If they continue to make software usable by all computers from the past, there would be no benefit to having faster processors, better video cards, audio, and faster and better RAM.

What may be an option would be to have a "lite" version that gives some features but not the RAM and processor intensive ones. No one believes they can buy a future-proof computer because it is a myth. At least the OSX software is only $29. And only $20 this time around. How much was Windows 7?

Is there a Mac program that analyzes how often you use programs and access files?
Q. I want to free up space on my mac by moving files I don't use as frequently to my external harddrive. The only problem is: I have a lot of files and folders and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a program that analyzes your harddrive and shows you which files you use the most frequently. Or even something comparable would be fine.

A. CleanApp ( ) will list your files, rank-ordered according to the last time they were modified, and shows their sizes. You click a checkbox next to the ones you want to delete and can then delete them all with one click. That's more convenient than plowing through one's folders, looking at the "modified" dates. It's compatible with OSX 10.4 - 10.7 (yes, apparently they've tested it already with Lion) PPC and Intel Macs.

It has other useful housecleaning features, too. For example, if you want to delete an app, it will find all of its supporting files (e.g., preferences, or .plists) and delete them as well. (AppCleaner, which is free, does this too: ).

The trial version is limited to 10 of these one-click delete operations, but the license is only $15. Not bad and I find it useful.

BTW, I have no connection with Synium or CleanApp -- just an occasional user.

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