Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What year should the Mac Mini be for apps programming?

Q. I am trying to learn objective-c to start programming apps for iphone. I have read alot of forums and people recommend the Mac Mini or the Imac. But the Mac Mini should have at least 4gb of ram. Somewhere I read for the Mac Mini to be 2006 or newer. Why? What about the Imac, what year should that be?

A. So that you can have the Intel processor. No sense in programming for an obsolete processor. Also, you probably want to be able to upgrade to the latest OSX, which requires the Intel processor.

Edit: I should mention... just for fun I made my own mac. I added a hard disk to my Window 7 computer. Now i can multi-boot the same computer into either Windows, Snow Leopard, or Linux. All I bought was the Snow Leopard box set, and followed "hackintosh" instructions from the internet. It was really hard to do though, and took me three solid days (my entire weekend) to get it working. I would rather have a mac mini, but can't afford it.

Does anyone know of a free program that allows me to close my macbook and continue running apps?
Q. I'm running osx version 10.5.8 on a core 2 duo 13'' macbook
yea i was using insomnia x before my hard drive crashed, but i tried downloading it again and it wouldnt work.

A. what do u mean "close"?... close the lid? if so, then try insomniax or caffeine, they're both great.

What is the best way to resolve issues with mac OSX and full start-up disk space?
Q. I run Mac OSX Panther, and have the pop up which says: startup disk
is full and needs me to remove uneeded files etc... I deleted almost all
files no vital to running mac OS and trashed all extra downloaded applications... and still i continue to get our of disk space error message. What else can I delete to get back to running normally?

A. Is it really a message from OSX, not some popup from some joker on the internet ?
Some ideas to try :
empty the trash
stop all running programs
log out
delete podcasts, movies, music, pictures you do not need anymore
empty the Safari cache

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