Saturday, May 18, 2013

If i restart my Mac osx for the admins password will all of my applications be deleted?

Q. Applications like garage band,iphoto,imovie,pages,keynote,and photo booth.I can't risk them being deleted because the computer belongs to the school and i can get into serious trouble for it.plz help.Im only restarting the admin password.

A. Why are you needing the admins password? They should not be deleted. The only way to delete applications is to either go back to factory settings or to erase the entire hard drive.

How do I get iPhoto again if I deleted in months ago?
Q. My iphoto was acting up months ago and I deleted it. Then today I installed the new ilife and i thought it would work for iphoto but instead its not there and theres a giant quiestion mark at the bottom with my other icons.

what do i do?

A. 1) Deleting the application fixes nothing. Every application is the same, its is the preferences it saves in the user library thats different. Thats were most problems occur.

2) iLife probably did install and it overwrote the original applications, causing the dock to loose track of where the applications are. Just drag off the question marks from the dock. Go to the "Applications" folder and drag the i(application) back to the dock.

3) If iphoto is still missing, iPhoto will be the iLife cd, it should instal it. If it is not, stick in the Mac OSX install cd, click the "Extras" folder and click the applications installer package. There will be an option to install iPhoto.

How do you save photos you enlarge in iphoto 5 with my Mac OSX?
Q. I have photos you can edit etc in my mac with the iphoto version 5.04.
There is also a bar you can use to enlarge them so you can see details. The thing is it wont save when I do that. It still goes back to its original size.

How do i save them in iphoto with this size?

A. The size of an images is a number of pixels long by a number of pixels wide. You can view what this is for any given image under info in the lower left. When you use the slider bar, it enlarges what you see, making detailed editing easier, but the actual dimensions of the image do not change. When you reopen the image, Iphoto fits it to your screen, but this is once again, view size, not the actual photo size. Simply use the slider control if you wish to blow it up to see more detail.

You can not increase the size (pixel dimensions) of an image in Iphoto. You can decrease the actual size under the export function. Obviously cropping a photo will also result in a smaller image.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

How do you reinstall osx on a mac?

Q. I have a Macbook Pro (early 2008) (the one with silver keys) and its currently running osx 10.5.8. my sister has a Macbook (the white one) and it has 10.6 installed already. Can i use the 10.6.3 installation disc that came with the Macbook, to upgrade my 10.5.8 Macbook pro? or would i have to buy a separate snow lepard disc?

A. You have to buy a seperate snow leopard disk. The disk that came with your sisters mac will only work on her mac. The disk is only $29 dollars and the upgrade is well worth it. You can buy it at best buy or from apple.

If I upgrade my Mac OS will it slow my computer down?
Q. I have a 3 year old white Macbook running OSX 10.5.8 with 2GB Ram 800mhz. I would like to try upgrading to Mountain Lion, but from the reviews I've read a lot of people are saying it is slowing down their computers. Do you think it would slow my computer down a lot if I upgrade?

A. Huh? What is it? "800mhz" is for ... what? Maybe the RAM speed. If so, that is four and a half years old, "Early 2008" model.

The best way to identify your Mac is by Model Identifier...

In OS 10.6.8 or earlier....
About This Mac > More Info (Opens System Profiler). Look for "Model Identifier".

If I am right that it is an Early 2008 (Model Identifier = MacBook4,1), it cannot use OS 10.8 "Mountain Lion" at all...
Supported Models:
* iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
* MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
* MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
* Xserve (Early 2009)
* MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
* Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
* Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)

If it is an "Early 2009" (Model Identifier = MacBook5,2 ), increase the RAM to 6GB (one 2GB module, one 4GB module). After installing OS 10.8, it will definitely be faster.

As for the guy who can't play his web-based games well, he needs to call his ISP, and buy a 20M account. Then he needs to maximize the RAM, just like I suggested for your 2009... if you really do have a 2009.

Can any regular mac version upgrade to Leopard or Snow Leopard?
Q. I got a Mac about a year and a half ago and right now I have Mac OSx version 10.5.8 and I was wondering if I could upgrade to Snow Leopard, Leopard, or Tiger? Also, if so do you have to have the regular Leopard first to upgrade to Snow Leopard or can you just go directly and skip?

A. OS X 10.5 is Leopard. If you got your Mac new a year ad a half ago, it is probably an Intel based machine and you'll be able to upgrade to OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) quite cheaply. Snow Leopard is supposed to have a significant speed advantage over Leopard.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Can I please get some idvd burning help?

Q. Hi I have a mac and using idvd to burn a project onto my blank dvd. The thing is the footage is too long for the dvd. I would like to know if there is a way where I can burn that footage onto two separate dvds without going through all the stages again ie: importing, compressing etc. Thanks in advance.

A. Have you already tried to change the Project info/Best Performance to High Quality setting? I had the same problem and I ended up buying a DUAL LAYER DVD+or-R, because after changing those settings i still couldn't fit it on to a regular DVD.

How can I preserve the quality of my iPhoto slide show on a DVD?
Q. I made a slide show in iPhoto including Ken Burns effects. I am very pleased with the results. However, when I send it to iDVD and burn a DVD (which takes almost an hour, and half the time the DVD gets corrupted and I have to start all over), the quality of the photos is significantly degraded. The resolution is not nearly as sharp as in iPhoto, and the Ken Burns effect is jerky and causes a wavy rippling effect that is extremely objectionable.

A. The new iPhoto '08 is designed to work alongside some new .Mac services also unveiled Tuesday. The .Mac Web Gallery can take photos directly from iPhoto and publish them to a Web page. It also syncs up with the iPhone so iPhone users can share their galleries or individual photos. The Web gallery also incorporates the skimming feature from iPhoto '08, letting users preview photos in a given event or album without having to open the entire gallery.

How can I preserve the quality of my iPhoto slide show on a DVD?
Q. I made a slide show in iPhoto including Ken Burns effects. I am very pleased with the results. However, when I send it to iDVD and burn a DVD (which takes almost an hour, and half the time the DVD gets corrupted and I have to start all over), the quality of the photos is significantly degraded. The resolution is not nearly as sharp as in iPhoto, and the Ken Burns effect is jerky and causes a wavy rippling effect that is extremely objectionable.

A. The new iPhoto '08 is designed to work alongside some new .Mac services also unveiled Tuesday. The .Mac Web Gallery can take photos directly from iPhoto and publish them to a Web page. It also syncs up with the iPhone so iPhone users can share their galleries or individual photos. The Web gallery also incorporates the skimming feature from iPhoto '08, letting users preview photos in a given event or album without having to open the entire gallery.

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can i connect a USB device internet to a router and then router to Dreambox?

Q. i have heard there are routers which we can connect to USB internet technology and then we can connect PC's to that router through ethernet. is it possible to connect dreambox with that router as well and then make it possible to work?

A. Your question does not make much sense.

A router, takes an input broadband signal and can distribute it to other devices. It can be wired or wireless or both.

USB is a bus. Some routers have USB ports to connect printers and hard drives that can be accessed over the Lan.

If the Dreambox has an ethernet port, then yes you can connect it to a router.

How can I get the internet for my ps3 off of my laptop with a verizon usb internet modem?
Q. I have a verizon usb internet connection. I got this before I got my ps3. How do I get it to connect to my ps3?

A. 3 ways you can possibly do it.

1. Is with a AdHoc mode where your ps3 is directly connected to your pc, so no router needed. But the problem with that is that your computer have to be one when you want to go online with your ps3, plus the more you use your computer the less good the connection is. Bc it must prioritize like we all have to do.

2. This one is better but it requires hardware where you plus your usb verizon modem into it, and the device got WIFI ability. Meaning that you can connect your computer and ps3 to it without using a pc, which is relieving. I totally recommend this and yes its abit expensive but its totally worth it, bc using a like 500 dollar computer for a simple connection is like they say killing a bug with a canon. So here are the hardware needed so check them out

3. Is to get internet at your home slash apartment or whatever you want to call it, its much better bc the speed are way better. Bc mobile internet is more for people who move all the time, plus your paying to be connected not to be really connected with bigger speeds and larger downloads.

How can i connect my phone internet to my laptop?
Q. I have a motorola defy android phone and i've been trying to connect to my Windows 7 laptop.
It says on my phone when i turn on usb internet tethering how to connect which is plug the phone in from my phone to my laptop with a usb cable and select it from the network list, but it never appears on the network list, even though its definitely connected and usb internet tethering is on.. any help?

A. sadly.. the motorola defy does not support tethering (the function that allows you to connect to the internet on your laptop using your phone as a modem)

however! go on the android market and search for an application called "easy tether lite"
this will allow you to do so

hope i helped

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Toluca vs cruz azul...?

Q. Los de cruz you think your team can beat us on sunday?
it's possible pero...Toluca is showing perque debe de tener mas respeto y mas sequidores
I think Toluca is goiing to win 5-2 global el Domingo

A. i say is going to be 2-2

why are we underpaid and overworked in america compared to other countries?
Q. is it the economy, the materialism, the government or culture that makes for a crappy life of producing, consuming, producing and consuming some more without giving lots of people the chance to take more vacations, work less hours ( as in our cousin European countries) and actually enjoy the life that we have and might never have again?
carolynator: i've traveled plenty, france, italy, holland, taiwan, mainland china amond others.
and to other's easy to compare the US to countries like North Korea so then you can say, everything is fine's like comparing chocolate to crap...of course chocolate is gonna win! Too easy....why don't you compare the US to countries like Norway, Finland, Italy, France, the UK?? Most "white" americans come from Europe don't they? so why is it hard to compare yourselves to europe?? what the hell does the US have to do with North Korea?? comparing two extremes is childish.

A. Complex and interesting question.

Look at the articles describing Executive pay/perques and you'll see an alarming trend. Their compensation is many multiples over their lowest paid workers. They have incentive to cut costs, outsource labor and underpay USA workers so that they and the stockholders can make a lot of money.

I could go on but think you have the idea.

Could anybody translate this spanish email into english for me?
Q. Hola mare
saps que avui haviem d'anar a un festival de nose que dons no hem anat i mira que feia un dia esplendit un sol que petava i els ocellets que no paraven de cantar. Dons no hem anat perque son uns vagos. Estic acostipada i tinc febre perque ahir no va parar de ploure molt fort i em vaig acostipar. Saps que jo volia anar a veure el castell que m'havies dit dons com que va comencar a ploure un munt vam tornar despres de veure un museu molt aburrit. waterford era super bonic i tenia mes botigues i mes xules. Primer vam parar a veure un vaixell molt xulo que havia inagurat el presiden kenedy dels EEUU i llavors vam anar al carrer de les botigues. Que va ser quan em vau trucar. avui volia quedar per veure la pelicula de eclipse pero totes amb les que volia quedar no la volien veure perque no els hi agaradava. Despres mentres estavem per el carrer de les botigues van venir uns senyors amb unes gaites i es van possar a tocar i en un moment va caure un xafec pero ells continuaven tocant. Despres a les 3 vam anar a veure el museu i despres vam tornar pero jo encara amb el xuvasquero i devall dun paraigues de les meves amigues em vaig acostipar. I a lautobus l'angela va dir que dema (avui) mirariem tots junts el partit d'espanya. Li vaig dir a langela quan vam arrivar si li havie dit a la rossmerry i va dir que no i jo men vaig anar amb una amiga que vivie aprop d'on vivia jo. I estava ploven amb un vent molt ford i llavors va apareixer a la mitat de la carretera el cotxe amb el pare dintre i em va portar a casa. menos mal perque estava ploven molt i jo me trovava super malament i no parava de estarnudar. A em vaig aixugar i despres em vaig ficar al llit. Mes tard me va venir la mare i me va dir: poc parlar amb tu? i me va comencar a dir: tu que li has dit al teu lider sobre mi dels cerals?, que jo no tels compro i que no has menjat ,... i jo li vaig dir que li havia dit que no em volies comprar cerals perque els trovaves molt cars i me va dir jo no te vaig dir aixo. jo te vaig dir que no els podia anara comprar perque era molt aviat,... (mentira) i aixi i me diu tu li has dit al teu superior que jo no te comprava cereals i despres soc jo la dolenta de la pelicula i tu nomes no vas menjar cereals el divendres als mati,.... i aixi i al final diu va ves a sopar que ja el tens a la taula. I tenia pasta daquella despirals amb una salsa de tomata i carn picada que no me la vaig menjar me la vaig apartar i vaig menjar sol la pasta ia aquest matir he fet cagarrines.i tenia febre i no parava destornudar. I ara estem miran la tele. Be no se que mes vols que et digui. Ara me volien donar una cocacola i una salsicha i nomes son les 12 i he esmorzat a les 10:30 i no tinc gana. Be es un rollo estar a aquesta casa pero nomes queda una setmana. Ja mirare la pelicula la semana que ve o quan arribi a lleida. ok molts bessitos i fins a la nit ok mdew carinyo

A. Go to and select Spanish to English. Cut out a small block of print (maybe 5 lines of type) from your email at a time until you have translated all of it. Since it is quite long, it may take a few minutes to do all of it. Good luck !

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

What treats are good for dwarf hamsters?

Q. I'm getting a hamster and I just need to know everything. I already know what cage I'm gonna get, and ball, and bedding, and stuff. All I need to know now is what treats dwarf hamsters like. And it has to be from Petco or Petsmart.

A. Whenever it comes to pets, try to avoid processed food at all costs (stuff that isn't natural like biscuts, chews, ect)

Companies tend to put alot of unhealthy dyes and chemicals in them. Unless they are good for grinding down teeth (like toy wood blocks), do not buy treats from a petstore.

So what I usually give as treats for my hammies are things I wouldn't hesitate to eat, such as-

Romaine lettuce
Cooked egg yolk
sunflower seeds (unsalted)
Timothy hay

The list goes on. Remember to only feed TINY portions (like the size of your pinky fingernail) and only one treat a day.

If you want more ideas, just google "hamster safe food list"

What do Guinea Pigs eat besides Guinea Pig food?
Q. I have two guinea pigs, and every morning I like the feed them their "Morning Feast" which usually consists of celery, green pepper, carrots, clovers, and Timothy hay. I feel like the guinea pigs are getting bored of the same thing every morning. What else should they have?

A. Hi! Here is a list from!

Red/Green/Yellow/Orange Bell Pepper
Baby Carrots
Romaine & Other Varieties Lettuce (not iceburg lettuce)
Fresh Dandelion Leaves (from garden)
Fresh Dandelion Flowers (from garden)
Fresh Grass (from garden)
Fresh White Clover (from garden)
Chinese/Red/Savoy Cabbage
Seedless Grapes
Seedless Tangerine Pieces
Orange Pieces
Corn on the Cob
Green Beans
Baby Sweet Corn
Cauliflower leaves
Yam/Sweet Potato
Seedless Raisins (cannot be raw)

â¦Avoid Theseâ¦

Coconut Very fattening
Avocado Very fattening
Nuts Very fattening
Seeds Choking hazard
Rhubarb Poisonous
Lentils Poisonous
Onions, Garlic Poisonous
Tomato Stalk/Leaves Poisonous
Iceburg Lettuce Water content too high
Sugary Fruit Juices/Squash Too sugary but sugar-free or unsweetened are fine
'Junk Food' Cake, Crisps, Sweets, Popcorn etc Very fattening and sugary
Anything Cooked - All the veggies you give your piggies HAVE to be raw
Potatoes - Yams and sweet potatoes are acceptable to feed guinea pigs
Most Dairy - No milk, cheese etc
Prepared Food - All foods must be raw
Jams, Jellies - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Meat - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Dry Beans
Tea, Coffee, Fizz etc
Hot Peppers, Herbs, Spices

And with their morning feast, make sure its just one cup per piggie so that they don't get bloated. And although they need it for vitamin C, don't give them too much fruit because it is highly sugary, and some are a little too acidic.

Hope I helped! :)

what fruits and vegetables ARE okay to feed your guinea pig?
Q. I have a guinea pig, and he loves to eat fruits and veggies. I have been on many websites and they all say different things... so do you have any recommendations for what fruits and vegetables are good for guinea pigs, that they will like?

A. --Hi Meghan Lee--

--I have listed below the fruits and veggies that are OK for you to feed your piggies. Next to each one I'vee written how much you should give of each one, and underneath that the ones that are bad for your guinea pig and why.

--You should be giving your cavy 1 cup of a variety of veggies each day, and maybe a few pieces of fruit per week. This is because fruits are high in Vitamin C, but they are very sugary and this is bad for your guinea pig. Veggies, however aren't so bad and contain loads of Vitamin C.

--If you are not sure if Youre guinea pig will like some, do a little taster session, to see what he tries, eats or leaves completely.

-------Here is a list of most of them you CAN give-------

(Obviously you are not going to give all of these per day, just a guide here and you can pick and mix each day).

--Red or green bell peppers - Remove the seeds first. Give about 1/7.

--Broccoli - Not very much as can cause gas in guinea pigs. They like the stalk most, or any leftovers your family has (NOT COOKED!)

--Carrot - Helps wear they'ree teeth down if given quite big chunks. Leaves are OK to leave on as they enjoy them too.

--Kale - My piggies don't eat this, but some is OK.

--Romaine lettuce (not iceburg lettuce) - Should be given regularly as it helps maintain a healthy, shiny coat and nice strong teeth.

--Celery - They love the leaves most! You shouldn't give the bottom bit though, it has strings that can get caught in the piggy's digestive system.

--Fresh dandelion leaves (from garden) - You can give plenty of these! (Not the flowers of course).

--Fresh grass (from garden) Again, they love this like dandelion leaves

--Baby tomatoes

--Parsley - Super source of vitamin C, you can give quite a lot.

--Cucumber - Quite a lot can be given at once.

--Apples - A couple of pieces at once, my piggies LOVE IT!!

--Pears - A few pieces only as it is sugary, like most other fruits.

--Seedless grapes - Make sure they ARE seedless, seeds aren't good for cavies. 1 is enough.

--Satsuma pieces - Not much, maybe 1 a few days a week.

--Corn on the cob - Quite a lot can be given.

--Bananas - Maybe a couple of pieces a week.

--Green Beans - Don't give much of this, too much will not do your piggy any good.

--Strawberries - Cut it up into quarters, don't give much as fruit is full of sugar!

--Baby Sweet corn - Baby corn when it is crunchy and fresh is a hit with guinea pigs! Not too much at once though.

--Melon - Only very small pieces.

--Cauliflower leaves - A few is fine.

My website page about diets, please visit for even more info about a cavy's diet, and maybe even sign up!

--------Most of them you CANNOT give---------

--lceburg lettuce - too watery and contains toxins which are very harmful.





Overall, your guinea pig's diet should have 1 cup of mixed veggies a day (half in the morning, half at night, or split it into 3rds and include lunchtime), 1-2 ceramic food bowls of cavy cereal/pellets (I use Gerty Guinea Pig) a day. Unlimited Timothy hay round the clock (Alfalfa for young pups and pregnant sows). A fresh bottle of water each day, and a few pieces of fruit each week. In the summer (or when it's warm and dry) they should be able to go outside on the grass it eat it and exercises.


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Clean install Mac OSX Lion Help?

Q. I have a hp pavalion g6-1201tx laptop with windows 7 home basic. Can i clean install Mac OSX LION in my laptop.

A. no thats breaking apple's agreement

How to clean install Mac OS X Lion?
Q. When I open up Recovery HD, it requires me to log in to my Mac App Store, which is an error because I torrented the .app file. (My computer can't run 10.8 and Lion is no longer in the app store). Now I have a Mac with just a Recovery partition, what should I do?
Both of your answers were bad, I don't want to install Linux, I want to install Lion, and the other guy didn't even read the details.

A. How to clean install Mac OS X Lion?

OS X includes a new feature that lets you restore system software to your Mac with just a few clicks, without having to bother with install discs or drives.

Will OSX lion also be available at Apple Stores?
Q. I am talking about authorized apple stores in malls and stuff. NOT the App store online.

A. Nope app store only. But don't worry you can still do a full format and install. what it dose is it creates it's own small partition. Then when you run the install you can run it in recovery mode and you can completely wipe out snow leopard and do a clean install of Lion from it's contained partition. so if this is your reason for wanting a physical Disk of Lion then don't worry about it. it's not an issue. :-) you can find copies in pirate bay but Trojans have been reported in lots of them so i wouldn't trust any of those ones. Plus it's illegal and apple has started filing lawsuits for torrents. so don't go pirate bay if you can help it. to risky. if you Must go that route download it from a public wifi hot spot. not form your home. just to be safe. netflix and the fbi have announced they are cracking down on torrent websites so you best be careful if you chose that road.

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Friday, May 3, 2013

can mac osx lion read iso files?


A. there is an application that knows how to deal with .iso files (disk images). It is called "Disk Utility".

Hackintosh problem!!!! AGAIN!?
Q. Ok as i said in the previous ques about installing problems of mac. But then i have it all sorted out now, and have a new problem up my a**. My osX does not open any application even those built in ones. It syas it some sort of kernel address error when i see the details. plz help me m a noob when it comes to MAC OS. I used niresh12495 image of osX from tpb (the one which did not have any special instructions like copy this or that anything in the guide) n my specs are :-
Intel core 2 duo e7400 2.8 ghz
2 gb ram
nvidia 9400gt 1gb ddr2
500gb hdd
and a disc with niresh lion iso
Haha i know its not legal copy but they don't make macs for seperate computers, u already know that so the only way for me to get mac osx was this. I am in no way interested in their hardware all m interested in is the software and in no way I care about ur suggestion. Its high time apple understood this.

A. Your problem is that you do not have a Mac. You have an illegal copy of the Mac OS that you are attempting to run on non-Apple hardware counter to the EULA.

Boot an .iso onto blank Hard Drive form usb?
Q. So I have an acer r3610 with no OS on it I've downloaded ubuntu .iso onto a blank usb (16gb Cruzer switch) but whenever I get the Acer to boot the USB it just goes to a black screen witha flashing underscore.

The computer I'm using to download Ubuntu from is a macbook air running mountain lion

A. You have to make the USB bootable.

Follow the official guide here:

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