Saturday, May 18, 2013

If i restart my Mac osx for the admins password will all of my applications be deleted?

Q. Applications like garage band,iphoto,imovie,pages,keynote,and photo booth.I can't risk them being deleted because the computer belongs to the school and i can get into serious trouble for it.plz help.Im only restarting the admin password.

A. Why are you needing the admins password? They should not be deleted. The only way to delete applications is to either go back to factory settings or to erase the entire hard drive.

How do I get iPhoto again if I deleted in months ago?
Q. My iphoto was acting up months ago and I deleted it. Then today I installed the new ilife and i thought it would work for iphoto but instead its not there and theres a giant quiestion mark at the bottom with my other icons.

what do i do?

A. 1) Deleting the application fixes nothing. Every application is the same, its is the preferences it saves in the user library thats different. Thats were most problems occur.

2) iLife probably did install and it overwrote the original applications, causing the dock to loose track of where the applications are. Just drag off the question marks from the dock. Go to the "Applications" folder and drag the i(application) back to the dock.

3) If iphoto is still missing, iPhoto will be the iLife cd, it should instal it. If it is not, stick in the Mac OSX install cd, click the "Extras" folder and click the applications installer package. There will be an option to install iPhoto.

How do you save photos you enlarge in iphoto 5 with my Mac OSX?
Q. I have photos you can edit etc in my mac with the iphoto version 5.04.
There is also a bar you can use to enlarge them so you can see details. The thing is it wont save when I do that. It still goes back to its original size.

How do i save them in iphoto with this size?

A. The size of an images is a number of pixels long by a number of pixels wide. You can view what this is for any given image under info in the lower left. When you use the slider bar, it enlarges what you see, making detailed editing easier, but the actual dimensions of the image do not change. When you reopen the image, Iphoto fits it to your screen, but this is once again, view size, not the actual photo size. Simply use the slider control if you wish to blow it up to see more detail.

You can not increase the size (pixel dimensions) of an image in Iphoto. You can decrease the actual size under the export function. Obviously cropping a photo will also result in a smaller image.

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Sunday, May 12, 2013

How do you reinstall osx on a mac?

Q. I have a Macbook Pro (early 2008) (the one with silver keys) and its currently running osx 10.5.8. my sister has a Macbook (the white one) and it has 10.6 installed already. Can i use the 10.6.3 installation disc that came with the Macbook, to upgrade my 10.5.8 Macbook pro? or would i have to buy a separate snow lepard disc?

A. You have to buy a seperate snow leopard disk. The disk that came with your sisters mac will only work on her mac. The disk is only $29 dollars and the upgrade is well worth it. You can buy it at best buy or from apple.

If I upgrade my Mac OS will it slow my computer down?
Q. I have a 3 year old white Macbook running OSX 10.5.8 with 2GB Ram 800mhz. I would like to try upgrading to Mountain Lion, but from the reviews I've read a lot of people are saying it is slowing down their computers. Do you think it would slow my computer down a lot if I upgrade?

A. Huh? What is it? "800mhz" is for ... what? Maybe the RAM speed. If so, that is four and a half years old, "Early 2008" model.

The best way to identify your Mac is by Model Identifier...

In OS 10.6.8 or earlier....
About This Mac > More Info (Opens System Profiler). Look for "Model Identifier".

If I am right that it is an Early 2008 (Model Identifier = MacBook4,1), it cannot use OS 10.8 "Mountain Lion" at all...
Supported Models:
* iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
* MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
* MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
* Xserve (Early 2009)
* MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
* Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
* Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)

If it is an "Early 2009" (Model Identifier = MacBook5,2 ), increase the RAM to 6GB (one 2GB module, one 4GB module). After installing OS 10.8, it will definitely be faster.

As for the guy who can't play his web-based games well, he needs to call his ISP, and buy a 20M account. Then he needs to maximize the RAM, just like I suggested for your 2009... if you really do have a 2009.

Can any regular mac version upgrade to Leopard or Snow Leopard?
Q. I got a Mac about a year and a half ago and right now I have Mac OSx version 10.5.8 and I was wondering if I could upgrade to Snow Leopard, Leopard, or Tiger? Also, if so do you have to have the regular Leopard first to upgrade to Snow Leopard or can you just go directly and skip?

A. OS X 10.5 is Leopard. If you got your Mac new a year ad a half ago, it is probably an Intel based machine and you'll be able to upgrade to OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) quite cheaply. Snow Leopard is supposed to have a significant speed advantage over Leopard.

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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Can I please get some idvd burning help?

Q. Hi I have a mac and using idvd to burn a project onto my blank dvd. The thing is the footage is too long for the dvd. I would like to know if there is a way where I can burn that footage onto two separate dvds without going through all the stages again ie: importing, compressing etc. Thanks in advance.

A. Have you already tried to change the Project info/Best Performance to High Quality setting? I had the same problem and I ended up buying a DUAL LAYER DVD+or-R, because after changing those settings i still couldn't fit it on to a regular DVD.

How can I preserve the quality of my iPhoto slide show on a DVD?
Q. I made a slide show in iPhoto including Ken Burns effects. I am very pleased with the results. However, when I send it to iDVD and burn a DVD (which takes almost an hour, and half the time the DVD gets corrupted and I have to start all over), the quality of the photos is significantly degraded. The resolution is not nearly as sharp as in iPhoto, and the Ken Burns effect is jerky and causes a wavy rippling effect that is extremely objectionable.

A. The new iPhoto '08 is designed to work alongside some new .Mac services also unveiled Tuesday. The .Mac Web Gallery can take photos directly from iPhoto and publish them to a Web page. It also syncs up with the iPhone so iPhone users can share their galleries or individual photos. The Web gallery also incorporates the skimming feature from iPhoto '08, letting users preview photos in a given event or album without having to open the entire gallery.

How can I preserve the quality of my iPhoto slide show on a DVD?
Q. I made a slide show in iPhoto including Ken Burns effects. I am very pleased with the results. However, when I send it to iDVD and burn a DVD (which takes almost an hour, and half the time the DVD gets corrupted and I have to start all over), the quality of the photos is significantly degraded. The resolution is not nearly as sharp as in iPhoto, and the Ken Burns effect is jerky and causes a wavy rippling effect that is extremely objectionable.

A. The new iPhoto '08 is designed to work alongside some new .Mac services also unveiled Tuesday. The .Mac Web Gallery can take photos directly from iPhoto and publish them to a Web page. It also syncs up with the iPhone so iPhone users can share their galleries or individual photos. The Web gallery also incorporates the skimming feature from iPhoto '08, letting users preview photos in a given event or album without having to open the entire gallery.

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can i connect a USB device internet to a router and then router to Dreambox?

Q. i have heard there are routers which we can connect to USB internet technology and then we can connect PC's to that router through ethernet. is it possible to connect dreambox with that router as well and then make it possible to work?

A. Your question does not make much sense.

A router, takes an input broadband signal and can distribute it to other devices. It can be wired or wireless or both.

USB is a bus. Some routers have USB ports to connect printers and hard drives that can be accessed over the Lan.

If the Dreambox has an ethernet port, then yes you can connect it to a router.

How can I get the internet for my ps3 off of my laptop with a verizon usb internet modem?
Q. I have a verizon usb internet connection. I got this before I got my ps3. How do I get it to connect to my ps3?

A. 3 ways you can possibly do it.

1. Is with a AdHoc mode where your ps3 is directly connected to your pc, so no router needed. But the problem with that is that your computer have to be one when you want to go online with your ps3, plus the more you use your computer the less good the connection is. Bc it must prioritize like we all have to do.

2. This one is better but it requires hardware where you plus your usb verizon modem into it, and the device got WIFI ability. Meaning that you can connect your computer and ps3 to it without using a pc, which is relieving. I totally recommend this and yes its abit expensive but its totally worth it, bc using a like 500 dollar computer for a simple connection is like they say killing a bug with a canon. So here are the hardware needed so check them out

3. Is to get internet at your home slash apartment or whatever you want to call it, its much better bc the speed are way better. Bc mobile internet is more for people who move all the time, plus your paying to be connected not to be really connected with bigger speeds and larger downloads.

How can i connect my phone internet to my laptop?
Q. I have a motorola defy android phone and i've been trying to connect to my Windows 7 laptop.
It says on my phone when i turn on usb internet tethering how to connect which is plug the phone in from my phone to my laptop with a usb cable and select it from the network list, but it never appears on the network list, even though its definitely connected and usb internet tethering is on.. any help?

A. sadly.. the motorola defy does not support tethering (the function that allows you to connect to the internet on your laptop using your phone as a modem)

however! go on the android market and search for an application called "easy tether lite"
this will allow you to do so

hope i helped

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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Toluca vs cruz azul...?

Q. Los de cruz you think your team can beat us on sunday?
it's possible pero...Toluca is showing perque debe de tener mas respeto y mas sequidores
I think Toluca is goiing to win 5-2 global el Domingo

A. i say is going to be 2-2

why are we underpaid and overworked in america compared to other countries?
Q. is it the economy, the materialism, the government or culture that makes for a crappy life of producing, consuming, producing and consuming some more without giving lots of people the chance to take more vacations, work less hours ( as in our cousin European countries) and actually enjoy the life that we have and might never have again?
carolynator: i've traveled plenty, france, italy, holland, taiwan, mainland china amond others.
and to other's easy to compare the US to countries like North Korea so then you can say, everything is fine's like comparing chocolate to crap...of course chocolate is gonna win! Too easy....why don't you compare the US to countries like Norway, Finland, Italy, France, the UK?? Most "white" americans come from Europe don't they? so why is it hard to compare yourselves to europe?? what the hell does the US have to do with North Korea?? comparing two extremes is childish.

A. Complex and interesting question.

Look at the articles describing Executive pay/perques and you'll see an alarming trend. Their compensation is many multiples over their lowest paid workers. They have incentive to cut costs, outsource labor and underpay USA workers so that they and the stockholders can make a lot of money.

I could go on but think you have the idea.

Could anybody translate this spanish email into english for me?
Q. Hola mare
saps que avui haviem d'anar a un festival de nose que dons no hem anat i mira que feia un dia esplendit un sol que petava i els ocellets que no paraven de cantar. Dons no hem anat perque son uns vagos. Estic acostipada i tinc febre perque ahir no va parar de ploure molt fort i em vaig acostipar. Saps que jo volia anar a veure el castell que m'havies dit dons com que va comencar a ploure un munt vam tornar despres de veure un museu molt aburrit. waterford era super bonic i tenia mes botigues i mes xules. Primer vam parar a veure un vaixell molt xulo que havia inagurat el presiden kenedy dels EEUU i llavors vam anar al carrer de les botigues. Que va ser quan em vau trucar. avui volia quedar per veure la pelicula de eclipse pero totes amb les que volia quedar no la volien veure perque no els hi agaradava. Despres mentres estavem per el carrer de les botigues van venir uns senyors amb unes gaites i es van possar a tocar i en un moment va caure un xafec pero ells continuaven tocant. Despres a les 3 vam anar a veure el museu i despres vam tornar pero jo encara amb el xuvasquero i devall dun paraigues de les meves amigues em vaig acostipar. I a lautobus l'angela va dir que dema (avui) mirariem tots junts el partit d'espanya. Li vaig dir a langela quan vam arrivar si li havie dit a la rossmerry i va dir que no i jo men vaig anar amb una amiga que vivie aprop d'on vivia jo. I estava ploven amb un vent molt ford i llavors va apareixer a la mitat de la carretera el cotxe amb el pare dintre i em va portar a casa. menos mal perque estava ploven molt i jo me trovava super malament i no parava de estarnudar. A em vaig aixugar i despres em vaig ficar al llit. Mes tard me va venir la mare i me va dir: poc parlar amb tu? i me va comencar a dir: tu que li has dit al teu lider sobre mi dels cerals?, que jo no tels compro i que no has menjat ,... i jo li vaig dir que li havia dit que no em volies comprar cerals perque els trovaves molt cars i me va dir jo no te vaig dir aixo. jo te vaig dir que no els podia anara comprar perque era molt aviat,... (mentira) i aixi i me diu tu li has dit al teu superior que jo no te comprava cereals i despres soc jo la dolenta de la pelicula i tu nomes no vas menjar cereals el divendres als mati,.... i aixi i al final diu va ves a sopar que ja el tens a la taula. I tenia pasta daquella despirals amb una salsa de tomata i carn picada que no me la vaig menjar me la vaig apartar i vaig menjar sol la pasta ia aquest matir he fet cagarrines.i tenia febre i no parava destornudar. I ara estem miran la tele. Be no se que mes vols que et digui. Ara me volien donar una cocacola i una salsicha i nomes son les 12 i he esmorzat a les 10:30 i no tinc gana. Be es un rollo estar a aquesta casa pero nomes queda una setmana. Ja mirare la pelicula la semana que ve o quan arribi a lleida. ok molts bessitos i fins a la nit ok mdew carinyo

A. Go to and select Spanish to English. Cut out a small block of print (maybe 5 lines of type) from your email at a time until you have translated all of it. Since it is quite long, it may take a few minutes to do all of it. Good luck !

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

What treats are good for dwarf hamsters?

Q. I'm getting a hamster and I just need to know everything. I already know what cage I'm gonna get, and ball, and bedding, and stuff. All I need to know now is what treats dwarf hamsters like. And it has to be from Petco or Petsmart.

A. Whenever it comes to pets, try to avoid processed food at all costs (stuff that isn't natural like biscuts, chews, ect)

Companies tend to put alot of unhealthy dyes and chemicals in them. Unless they are good for grinding down teeth (like toy wood blocks), do not buy treats from a petstore.

So what I usually give as treats for my hammies are things I wouldn't hesitate to eat, such as-

Romaine lettuce
Cooked egg yolk
sunflower seeds (unsalted)
Timothy hay

The list goes on. Remember to only feed TINY portions (like the size of your pinky fingernail) and only one treat a day.

If you want more ideas, just google "hamster safe food list"

What do Guinea Pigs eat besides Guinea Pig food?
Q. I have two guinea pigs, and every morning I like the feed them their "Morning Feast" which usually consists of celery, green pepper, carrots, clovers, and Timothy hay. I feel like the guinea pigs are getting bored of the same thing every morning. What else should they have?

A. Hi! Here is a list from!

Red/Green/Yellow/Orange Bell Pepper
Baby Carrots
Romaine & Other Varieties Lettuce (not iceburg lettuce)
Fresh Dandelion Leaves (from garden)
Fresh Dandelion Flowers (from garden)
Fresh Grass (from garden)
Fresh White Clover (from garden)
Chinese/Red/Savoy Cabbage
Seedless Grapes
Seedless Tangerine Pieces
Orange Pieces
Corn on the Cob
Green Beans
Baby Sweet Corn
Cauliflower leaves
Yam/Sweet Potato
Seedless Raisins (cannot be raw)

â¦Avoid Theseâ¦

Coconut Very fattening
Avocado Very fattening
Nuts Very fattening
Seeds Choking hazard
Rhubarb Poisonous
Lentils Poisonous
Onions, Garlic Poisonous
Tomato Stalk/Leaves Poisonous
Iceburg Lettuce Water content too high
Sugary Fruit Juices/Squash Too sugary but sugar-free or unsweetened are fine
'Junk Food' Cake, Crisps, Sweets, Popcorn etc Very fattening and sugary
Anything Cooked - All the veggies you give your piggies HAVE to be raw
Potatoes - Yams and sweet potatoes are acceptable to feed guinea pigs
Most Dairy - No milk, cheese etc
Prepared Food - All foods must be raw
Jams, Jellies - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Meat - guinea pigs are strict herbivores
Dry Beans
Tea, Coffee, Fizz etc
Hot Peppers, Herbs, Spices

And with their morning feast, make sure its just one cup per piggie so that they don't get bloated. And although they need it for vitamin C, don't give them too much fruit because it is highly sugary, and some are a little too acidic.

Hope I helped! :)

what fruits and vegetables ARE okay to feed your guinea pig?
Q. I have a guinea pig, and he loves to eat fruits and veggies. I have been on many websites and they all say different things... so do you have any recommendations for what fruits and vegetables are good for guinea pigs, that they will like?

A. --Hi Meghan Lee--

--I have listed below the fruits and veggies that are OK for you to feed your piggies. Next to each one I'vee written how much you should give of each one, and underneath that the ones that are bad for your guinea pig and why.

--You should be giving your cavy 1 cup of a variety of veggies each day, and maybe a few pieces of fruit per week. This is because fruits are high in Vitamin C, but they are very sugary and this is bad for your guinea pig. Veggies, however aren't so bad and contain loads of Vitamin C.

--If you are not sure if Youre guinea pig will like some, do a little taster session, to see what he tries, eats or leaves completely.

-------Here is a list of most of them you CAN give-------

(Obviously you are not going to give all of these per day, just a guide here and you can pick and mix each day).

--Red or green bell peppers - Remove the seeds first. Give about 1/7.

--Broccoli - Not very much as can cause gas in guinea pigs. They like the stalk most, or any leftovers your family has (NOT COOKED!)

--Carrot - Helps wear they'ree teeth down if given quite big chunks. Leaves are OK to leave on as they enjoy them too.

--Kale - My piggies don't eat this, but some is OK.

--Romaine lettuce (not iceburg lettuce) - Should be given regularly as it helps maintain a healthy, shiny coat and nice strong teeth.

--Celery - They love the leaves most! You shouldn't give the bottom bit though, it has strings that can get caught in the piggy's digestive system.

--Fresh dandelion leaves (from garden) - You can give plenty of these! (Not the flowers of course).

--Fresh grass (from garden) Again, they love this like dandelion leaves

--Baby tomatoes

--Parsley - Super source of vitamin C, you can give quite a lot.

--Cucumber - Quite a lot can be given at once.

--Apples - A couple of pieces at once, my piggies LOVE IT!!

--Pears - A few pieces only as it is sugary, like most other fruits.

--Seedless grapes - Make sure they ARE seedless, seeds aren't good for cavies. 1 is enough.

--Satsuma pieces - Not much, maybe 1 a few days a week.

--Corn on the cob - Quite a lot can be given.

--Bananas - Maybe a couple of pieces a week.

--Green Beans - Don't give much of this, too much will not do your piggy any good.

--Strawberries - Cut it up into quarters, don't give much as fruit is full of sugar!

--Baby Sweet corn - Baby corn when it is crunchy and fresh is a hit with guinea pigs! Not too much at once though.

--Melon - Only very small pieces.

--Cauliflower leaves - A few is fine.

My website page about diets, please visit for even more info about a cavy's diet, and maybe even sign up!

--------Most of them you CANNOT give---------

--lceburg lettuce - too watery and contains toxins which are very harmful.





Overall, your guinea pig's diet should have 1 cup of mixed veggies a day (half in the morning, half at night, or split it into 3rds and include lunchtime), 1-2 ceramic food bowls of cavy cereal/pellets (I use Gerty Guinea Pig) a day. Unlimited Timothy hay round the clock (Alfalfa for young pups and pregnant sows). A fresh bottle of water each day, and a few pieces of fruit each week. In the summer (or when it's warm and dry) they should be able to go outside on the grass it eat it and exercises.


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Clean install Mac OSX Lion Help?

Q. I have a hp pavalion g6-1201tx laptop with windows 7 home basic. Can i clean install Mac OSX LION in my laptop.

A. no thats breaking apple's agreement

How to clean install Mac OS X Lion?
Q. When I open up Recovery HD, it requires me to log in to my Mac App Store, which is an error because I torrented the .app file. (My computer can't run 10.8 and Lion is no longer in the app store). Now I have a Mac with just a Recovery partition, what should I do?
Both of your answers were bad, I don't want to install Linux, I want to install Lion, and the other guy didn't even read the details.

A. How to clean install Mac OS X Lion?

OS X includes a new feature that lets you restore system software to your Mac with just a few clicks, without having to bother with install discs or drives.

Will OSX lion also be available at Apple Stores?
Q. I am talking about authorized apple stores in malls and stuff. NOT the App store online.

A. Nope app store only. But don't worry you can still do a full format and install. what it dose is it creates it's own small partition. Then when you run the install you can run it in recovery mode and you can completely wipe out snow leopard and do a clean install of Lion from it's contained partition. so if this is your reason for wanting a physical Disk of Lion then don't worry about it. it's not an issue. :-) you can find copies in pirate bay but Trojans have been reported in lots of them so i wouldn't trust any of those ones. Plus it's illegal and apple has started filing lawsuits for torrents. so don't go pirate bay if you can help it. to risky. if you Must go that route download it from a public wifi hot spot. not form your home. just to be safe. netflix and the fbi have announced they are cracking down on torrent websites so you best be careful if you chose that road.

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Friday, May 3, 2013

can mac osx lion read iso files?


A. there is an application that knows how to deal with .iso files (disk images). It is called "Disk Utility".

Hackintosh problem!!!! AGAIN!?
Q. Ok as i said in the previous ques about installing problems of mac. But then i have it all sorted out now, and have a new problem up my a**. My osX does not open any application even those built in ones. It syas it some sort of kernel address error when i see the details. plz help me m a noob when it comes to MAC OS. I used niresh12495 image of osX from tpb (the one which did not have any special instructions like copy this or that anything in the guide) n my specs are :-
Intel core 2 duo e7400 2.8 ghz
2 gb ram
nvidia 9400gt 1gb ddr2
500gb hdd
and a disc with niresh lion iso
Haha i know its not legal copy but they don't make macs for seperate computers, u already know that so the only way for me to get mac osx was this. I am in no way interested in their hardware all m interested in is the software and in no way I care about ur suggestion. Its high time apple understood this.

A. Your problem is that you do not have a Mac. You have an illegal copy of the Mac OS that you are attempting to run on non-Apple hardware counter to the EULA.

Boot an .iso onto blank Hard Drive form usb?
Q. So I have an acer r3610 with no OS on it I've downloaded ubuntu .iso onto a blank usb (16gb Cruzer switch) but whenever I get the Acer to boot the USB it just goes to a black screen witha flashing underscore.

The computer I'm using to download Ubuntu from is a macbook air running mountain lion

A. You have to make the USB bootable.

Follow the official guide here:

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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to fix crashing of The Sims 3 on Mac OSX Mountain Lion?

Q. I recently installed The Sims 3 (only the base game-- no expansions) on my MacBook Pro. For the past 2 days it has been running perfectly, I created 2 games and have been playing with no complications. Yesterday, I downloaded 2 small custom content packages, and used them successfully in the game. But suddenly, after trying to run the game again this morning, it started crashing as soon as it came to the Sims 3 logo. My game is up-to-date and I have not changed or updated anything since it last ran successfully. Any ideas what might be causing it and how to go about fixing it?

A. Try removing the custom content and see if it works. If the game works, then it's probably a problem with one or more of the CC items you downloaded. You can find out which item it is by putting them back in the game one by one, loading the game up after you put each one in. If and when it crashes again, you'll know that the last CC you installed is the one that's messing with your game.

If removing the CC doesn't work, then it may be a problem with your computer. You should check your system specs and see if you have the minimum required RAM, hard drive space, and processor speed. Unfortunately, Macs tend not to run The Sims 3 (or any computer game, really) very well. The Sims 3 is a pretty intense game, so you might want to consider getting a computer built specifically for gaming.

What keyboards are compatible with OSX Leopard?
Q. I got it to install on my old PC laptop that I got last year, but the keyboard and touch pad do not work. I have a nice USB mouse that works fine, but I can not fully load the OS until I have a keyboard connected.

A. Almost any USB keyboard will work. Go to Best Buy and pick up a cheap $15 keyboard and it will work.

What is the most durable, best value laptop in the market?
Q. I have a sony vaio fj270, which crashed last night. I had it for a year and paid $1,300 for it. Last Sunday, the car we were driving was hit by the car behind us. There wasn't a huge damage on the car, but I think the impact was pretty strong. I was able to use my laptop for another 2 days until it suddenly went off, like the screen was all white. I tried to fix it with sony support but no luck. I was very disappointed. Now, I have to get a new laptop because I am studying for the board exams, and my next exam is in a month...I was wondering if you guys have some tips on buying laptops, and maybe if you know of a more durable one than a sony vaio. Thanks.

A. Hello ...

All notebooks are *generally* the same in reliability, so it all depends on the manufacturer who stands behind it and this is how good their warranties are. You may or may not already know this, but almost all notebooks are made by 4-5 Chinese and Taiwanese companies (Comp, Foxconn, ASUS, etc.) and then bought/rebranded by Dell, HP, Sony, etc., to be sold under their respective name. Most will do "some" design work in-house, but the only one that does all of their own design that I know if is Apple.

Dell has an excellent warranty (esp. for business customers) and most companies (Dell, HP, etc.) even offer drop protection; however, I've never owned one personally and they are not the only mfg that offers drop protection.

Personally, I've only dealt w/ HP and Apple in regard to warranty service and each has done a pretty good job--always provided a fast turnaround and all shipping was paid by them.

HP (like Dell, Gateway, and I believe now Sony) outsources all it's customer service and technical support to India while Apple keeps 90% of it stateside for US customers--I've talked to Canadians on the weekends, so that's probably their -overflow- for tech calls too.

If you follow Consumer Reports, you may want to give Apple a look. They're consistently rated #1 in Consumer Reports for Customer Service and reliability.

From my experience having owned two Powerbooks and a Macbook, each has been very reliable outside of a [Toshiba] hard drive failure on my last Powerbook.

Also, since Apple switched over to Intel chipsets, you can dual-boot Mac OSX and Windows XP/Vista with Bootcamp (free), or run them together via Parallels ($80).

Whatever you decide to get, make sure you get what fits your needs before your wants; I'd hate to tell someone they need to buy a $1,000+ plus computer when a $599 computer would do just fine.

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Where can I find Rainbow rose bushes, and do they grow in Virginia, also when would I plant it?

Q. This is my first House and I would like to make the yard as pretty as I can with plants that required a lot of care. Because I have a back injury. I am looking for beautiful colors as well as being hearty. Please let me know when as well as what other plants and flowers I should consider. I live in Hampton,VA
Thank you
I meant to say plants that did not required a lot of care!

A. "The highly colourful flowers have been developed by a Dutch businessman who dyes each bloom in the colours of the rainbow."

So, no 'Rainbow' , unless you want to bother dying them ; D

As the above posters mentioned , the 'Knockout' series is good . Same goes for any of the 'Pavement' series , and the 'Explorer' series , from Agriculture Canada . 'Champlain' is an especially good Explorer.

Some other very good ones : 'Hansa' (fragrant!) , 'Stanwell Perprtual' , 'Snow Owl' , 'Buffalo Gal' , 'Nearly Wild', 'Roselina', 'Chuckles' (Looks like a Pink Dogwood flower, smells like Red Delicious apple), 'Heritage' , 'Graham Thomas', 'Kiss Me', 'Zepherine Drouhin' (fragrant!, nearly thornless climber, takes more shade), Rosa glauca (pink, with burgundy leaves), 'Seafoam', 'Betty Prior' (if own-root), 'Snowshowers', 'Baby Blanket'

Less than impressed with the 'Flower Carpet' Series, and most Meidilland roses ('Bonica', etc), but I'm in upstate NY. Might be OK in Virginia .

Can I hook my Sony DCR-HC52 up an underwater camera & record the image on my camera?
Q. As a swim coach with the equipment (the underwater camera) I want to use my personal camera (listed above) to save the money for other, more costly equipment, but cant figure out how to do so. Does anyone know if my camera is compatible with other cameras? Do I have to switch inputs which my camera does not have?

A. I checked with IkeLite, a leading manufacturer of housings for cameras. They don't have your model listed as supported.
That would have been your cheapest and in my opinion, most reliable option for that particular vid cam. I did find this on google but...for a 17 foot rate...I wouldn't trust it too far. I wouldn't trust it completely at 10 feet.
There are many amphibious cams out there that fit the bill at 300 bucks or so. Bonica, Sea& Sea, Sea Life to name a few. They're digital and offer video. Then again there are many Canons point and shoot with great vid capability with Canon housings for under 450 bucks all in rated to 130 feet. I don't think, properly used, they'll flood.
Camera to camera transfer? Why would you do that?
This is the rig I use for my diving:
One camera and housing for all. You don't need the depth rating but you get the idea.

what are some rose varieties that bloom abundantly?
Q. what are some rose varieties that bloom very well and succesfully besides the dreaded double knock out landscape roses..Something that does well in more clay soil but with plenty of amendment to it.

A. Rugosa roses are very tough -shrub type roses, they thrive in almost any type of soil, even clay and sandy soils. Some of the varieties of Rugosas are prolific bloomers. You can't go wrong with them in your type of soil.

Modern or classic roses can be prolific bloomers, that is the category that the Knockout series falls in, most of the Floribunda's are in constant bloom.

But - I don't think you're looking for classifications, you're looking for names, so here goes, from my experience and my roses.

Meidiland Alba

John Cabot

William Baffin (outstanding)

Seven Sisters

Sally Holmes

Blanc Double de Coubert


New Dawn

Any of the Grootendoorst roses prolific bloomer, very thorny.

Linda Campbell - outstanding red rose.

Lavender Dream

Therese Bugnet

A little known rose - Glacier Magic (small shrub rose) beautiful!

Any of the roses in the Carefree series. A newer one in the series Carefree Celebration seriously never stops blooming once it starts.

Any of the roses in the Canadian Explorer Series.

That ought to get you started. Hope you weren't looking for hybrid teas - I don't grow them! :)

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Friday, April 26, 2013

What are some ideas for my software design major project for school?

Q. We need to make a relatively low-budget project within about 3 months. We know how to use Microsoft's Visual Basic well, but we're open to learning other design programs.. possibly for an iPhone/iPod touch??

any ideas would be appreciated :) thanks!

A. Well, you can't use VB on iPhones.... the iPhones and iPods require you to use Objective-C.

Here is an project that I did back when I was in college. We took the idea of GPS software that gives you directions from one place to another, and modified it a bit. Instead of mapping roads and addresses, we mapped out university's campus. Then, it could get directions/paths to get to different buildings. We also made it so users could take pictures of landmarks and buildings along the way and upload them to the server... then, when giving directions, the user's could download images of the things they could expect to see along their way.... the users could also vote on how helpful different images were. This way, the server could always make sure at least one quality/helpful image was sent to the user and bad images could automatically be removed. Our program did not get real-time location updates like modern GPS programs do (this was before smart phones were very common place). This helped keep things a bit simpler because the user selected where they were starting from. We also created a computer application to easily create and modify campus maps and add special attributes to certain paths (such as stairs or handicap accessible entrances). If you want to do something like this and have it easily accessible for different devices such as ipods, make this a website based program... Make the user interface a website that is compatible with mobile devices and then have the actual computational work done in VB .NET, behind the scenes. By making it web-based, it would also work for macs and PCs.

If you want to use ASP .NET to use VB in the web app and you don't have an ASP .NET server, you could easily get a temporary one. Students can legally get Microsoft Server 2003 and 2008 from Set up a virtual machine on one of your team's pc's (this can be done with free programs like VirtualBox) and install Microsoft server and the support. Just make sure that, if you do a web interface, your router doesn't block your server and your ISP doesn't block clients from hosting servers on port 80... some residential ISPs do unless the clients pay more. (If it does, see if your school can provide you with a server).

If you don't want to do that program, make a list of your most frequently used apps and see if you can make your own copy of one of them. You will probably have to simplify it though.

What kind of prep work do I need to do in the summer before I start my first year as a first grade teacher?
Q. Hello. I've recently accepted a position to teach the first grade for next year. (Though it will be my first year teaching, I have already worked at my school as a co-teacher.) What do I need to do over the summer to start preparing for the next year's material? I have several ideas like having a summer tea party (for parent & child & teacher orientation), classroom management plan, google discussion group (for teachers), birthday presents, lesson plan, etc. Anything I'm missing and need to consider? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

A. You are going to be so overwhelmed when the year gets going. You need to do as much prep work as you can to insure that you have a successful school year.
First, get all of your teacher's editions and look through them carefully. List the topics that need to be studied.
Start googling everything that you can about the topics and copy them. Make an alphabetized set of manilla folders arranged by topic for easy access.
Also find as much as you can on holidays and major events and make a file for those too.
Look in your reading books, etc. for the lessons studied and plan how you will teach them. Reading is so important in first grade. Are you using four block, reading first, etc. What theories does your district use. Get updated and figure out how you can best use your language arts block to insure reading success.
Make word flashcards
Make number and math flashcards
Make games for math and reading
Centers in that you don't have to set up during the year
begin sharpening pencils.....believe me it is never too early and you will be thankful you did it now.
make a pamphlet and opening letter for your parents or a back to school pack stating your objectives, expectations, school schedule, rules, etc.
go to garage sales and start collecting items that will be needed in the classroom
Call for speakers, field trips, etc. pertaining the the content matter for first grade
Arrange to have guest readers come board members et c.
Staple writing journals with paper and construction paper
Prepare bulletin boards and store them in cardboard boxes so that they are it by months
Focus on the will really be overwhelming if you don't have enough materials or content to teach

What is the most marketable mobile development platform to learn?
Q. I am looking to get into mobile app development. I am wondering what platform will open the most doors for me? (i.e. Palm, Symbian, IPhone OS, Android, etc)

Also, Java is generally "write once, run anywhere". So, besides the IPhone, is developing with J2ME pretty much the same over most SmartPhone OS's? or does it would it take having learn a lot of proprietary coding for each?

A. To make some serious cash i go with the iPhone OS.....but to keep costs down for ya ($99 to get into iPhone) i'd go with Android since it is a platform that i feel all phones will be looking to since iPhone is the BIG GUY on the block and seems quite unstoppable by all is the only potential after iPhone OS development.

Sadly J2ME is NOT used at all in developments for most if not all. However J2ME is Java and so resembles very much in C/C++ syntax and thankfully virtually all the developments for all the platforms adore the C/C++ syntax having a background familiarity to C/C++ (via Java) actually will help you.

For me though, although i had known C/C++ and J2ME i actually had to spend a month learning iPhone development from the ground up since it uses Objective-C coding syntax (it is C but a little bit different). Overall it is pretty easy to get into. The problem with iPhone development is that you will either need to get a Mac to do so (cant be done on a PC) or you can go for VMWare Workstation and install the MacOS on your PC through that (its tricky but works -- saves having to buy a mac). Then you need to pay Apple $99 to develop for it.

Android is free to get started and develop under...Its very much C/C++ style. I honestly prefer the iPhone development (very pretty compared to Android). Android doesnt have much users right now and so dont expect any money from it but they are serious contenders to battle Apple.

Besides Apple iPhone/iPod development and Android...i just dont think it is worth developing for....Android if things work out for it will be the defacto platform for ALL other phones besides Apple which holds huge potential for gain in the future so learning that is not a waste at all.

If you want to be safe learn both Apple and Android...that will literally cover 100% market in 2 years time.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

how to transfer itunes library to boot camp?

Q. i've just installed windows 7 through boot camp on my macbook

now i want to be able to use my itunes music library that i have on the mac side on the windows side

what do i do?

A. Sorry about the late answer.

This is simple. In once you have itunes istalled on your windows partition, just go to finder, and look for the partition that has the macOS on it. Then click on that and then up in the search thing just search "Music" or "iTunes" and it should come up with the songs. If that doesn't work shoot me an email at and i'll help you out.

Will it delete stuff if i put in my mac cd?
Q. I accidentally deleted an applicaton on my mac. If i put in my original cd that came with the computer so i can get my application back, will it delete stuff on my computer??

A. Good news: You do not have to delete your personal data!

If you have another friend with a Mac, it might be easiest to get the app from them. Make sure they are running the same version of MacOS as you first. If one of you has Tiger and the other has Panther, for example, you won't want to try this method. Boot their Mac into target disk mode (hold down the "T" key while it starts up) and use a firewire cable to connect both computers. Your friend's Mac will mount as an external drive on your Desktop. Use the Finder to drag the app from their hard drive to yours. (This will copy it, so your friend will still have it too.) If you have problems with this method, read on.

Depending on which application you are trying to get back, there are different ways to go about it.

When you put in the restore disk that came from your computer, there should be an installer for "Additional Software." (Depending on your system, the Additional Software installer may be on a second disk. Read the front of all the disks you have to see.) You can run that installer to get back any of the applications included there, which is stuff that came on your Mac but is not part of the OS, such as World Book, or Quicken. Exactly which apps depends on your system. You do not need or want to restart the machine to run this installer.

If you need an application that comes directly with the OS, such as Safari or iChat, it is a little bit more complicated, but you still don't need to lose your data! Put in the disk and follow the instructions. The first instruction is to restart. As you follow the on-screen instructions, you will get to a screen with a button at the bottom labeled "Options..." When you see it, click it. Make sure you have selected "Archive and Install." This will move all of your personal data into a safe place while overwriting all the system files to get that app back. Then you can keep following the instructions to complete the installation. When you're all done, your personal data will be in a "Previous Installations" folder, and you can move it back to the places you want it.

Does anyone know how to be the shoutcast server?
Q. I don't understand what I should do. But I already have installed winamp & the shoutcast.

A. Over on the shoutcast forums there is an exhaustive list of recommended reading that should cover just about any question you have.

To give you an idea of what's covered:

SHOUTcast: Everything that you need to know!
Version 1.1.0
Last Update: 02-05-2005 (mm-dd-yyyy)
Modified from Version 4 of Sawg's SHOUTcast Technical Support Links and Information: Read Before Posting

If your problem in not addressed in this post be sure to first search the forums before creating a topic on your issue.

General SHOUTcast Information
- SHOUTcast DSP Plugin
- Where can I download the old version of SHOUTcast DSP?
- SHOUTcast Home
- SHOUTcast Support Documentation
- SHOUTcast Whitepaper (Radio Toolbox)
- SHOUTcast Toolbox (All sorts of nifty add-ons for SHOUTcast)

How to Setup a Live Audio Stream
- How to set up an Internet Radio station
- 15 Steps to setting up SHOUTcast.
- Multi-bitrate Streams
- How to link your stream (Radio Toolbox)
- Getting listed in the SHOUTcast yp
- How to/Can you setup SHOUTcast on a Website

How to Setup On-Demand with SHOUTcast
- Sawg's Lame Rip-Off: On Demand Audio
- On Demand Audio (Radio Toolbox)

DSP Issues
- Winamp 3 and the SHOUTcast DSP
- Using the Microphone with Music
- How to play AudioCD's with SHOUTcast
- How to play WMAs with SHOUTcast
- Mixed audio
- Getting the song titles to show up
- 100% CPU usage with SHOUTcast
- Webhancer (100% CPU)

DNAS Stuff
- Microsoft Windows NT: Create a User-Defined Service
- Radio Toolbox: XML and SHOUTcast.
- Fixing [yp_add] gave extended error (Cannot see your station/computer (IP: from the Internet, disable NAT/firewall/ISP cache (Connection timed out)
- Fixing gave error()
- Getting listed in the SHOUTcast yp
- NAK errors
- Forum Search: FATAL ERROR
- DSLReports Bandwidth tester(Only be concerned with the UPLOAD bandwidth)
- Radio Toolbox's Bandwidth Calculator
- Why is there a delay?
What's My IP Address
- Radio Toolbox IP Finder

Routers, Firewalls, and Networks. Oh My!
General Information
- Radio Toolbox: Webcasting With A Network FAQ
- NAK errors
- Fixing gave error()
- Am I running a Firewall?
- Fixing Problems connecting to your SHOUTcast radio and you have a Router
- Port Forwarding with Linux
- Linux IP Firewalling Chains
- SHOUTCasting through a Linksys Cable/DSL Router for Dummies
- LinkSys Port Forwarding
- EtherFast Cable/DSL Router Notes
- LinkSys Users Guides
- LinkSys Support
- D-Link Support Pages
- SOHOware Broadband Internet Gateway
- NetGear: How to set up port forwarding
- NetGear Support
Cisco Routers
- Cisco Broadband Routers
- Broadband routers documentation
- ZoneAlarm
- Norton Personal Firewall
- Norton Internet Security
- McAffee Internet Security
- McAffee Firewall
Internet Connection Sharing
- How to Troubleshoot Internet Connection Sharing Problems
- Practically Networked ICS HowTo Center
Testing Your Server
- Radio Toolbox Port Scanner
- Radio Toolbox Stream Tester

Listening to a SHOUTcast Server on other Operating Systems
- iTunes
- Macamp
Windows CE
- PocketMusic

SHOUTcast Related Sites
- Radio Toolbox: Forums
- Radio Toolbox
Streaming In Other Formats
- Icecast MP3 and Vorbis streaming. see below
- Windows Media But why???
- Real Media
Icecast Help
Remember, Icecast is NOT SHOUTcast, though they are similar. While you may be able to get help for Icecast here, you are more likely better off going through official Icecast Support channels.
- Icecast: Mailing List
- Icecast FAQ
- Icecast: Docs

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How do I install mac os x on my external hardrive that already had files on it.?

Q. I have a MacBook that the hardrive is broken on. I have been running the laptop off of a borrowed external hardrive and now I'd like to move the os x onto another external hardrive I have which already had files on it. How can I do this?

A. As long as hard drive #2 is Mac formatted, with a GUID partition map, and has enough room on it, then OSX will install onto that drive from the DVD without deleting any existing data.

If the drive is formatted for Windows or was previously used on an old school PowerPC Mac, then the data will have to backed up off the drive, and it would need to be repartitioned and formatted.

How do you make a segmented archive in OSX?
Q. I need to split a file to fit onto a FAT formatted external drive, is there any easy way to split it into multiple .zip or .rar chunks.

A. Hi.
Here's a link with detailed instructions (OS X):

And here's a link to a website full of OS X goodies:

Good luck

What format should I use to burn a copy of a dvd I own?
Q. I want to make a copy of a dvd I own. I downloaded handbrake so I could also copy it to my ipod, and it gives me the option to make the final file a mp4, avm, or ogm. Would any of these formats work for creating a dvd that would work in most players, or is there another program I should download. I use mac osx.
Also, if I just want to make a copy of the movie to watch on my computer what should I use?

A. hi you can make the final file as mp4 which is supported by most of players. You can also have a try of DVD Ripper for Mac. It can rip DVDs to many popular formats and featurs many fuctions. for trial version

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to change back to OSX Lion?

Q. The system on my mac is Mountain Lion, I bought it from the Mac App store. I also bought Lion from Mac App Store, can I change my system back to Lion? Thank you!

A. If you installed OS 10.8 over OS 10.7, you have no more OS 10.7. Here are the steps needed....
-- Find your Lion installer.
-- Make a DVD by following the steps in the article linked below.
-- Backup important documents.
-- Boot to the DVD.
-- Open Disk Utility and erase the internal drive or make a second partition of at least 40 GB.
-- Quit Disk Utility and install OS X.

Can i erase everything off of my mac without a disc?
Q. I wanna erase everything off of my Lion OSX macbook pro, is there an easy and simple way to do this?

A. From what I can see yes. You can reformat and delete everything but you do need a disc. Now, you don't have a disc so I suggest you get a blank dvd or flash drive. Find online the os you want to write on it. (Thats not legal by the way.) After you put the os (probably an .iso file) on the dvd or flash drive put it into your computer. Reboot and go to the bios and make either the dvd or external storage device the primary boot. Then you format your hard drive and install the os. Now, getting the os is not legal and I suggest you buy it to make sure there isn't any risks. So, if you want to do this legally, no you cannot.

Edit: Windows 8 Preview is free but I have heard it's really buggy on Mac.

How do I get rid of the administrative account on my PowerBook G4?
Q. I bought an Apple PowerBook G4 on eBay recently, running Mac OSX Leopard. However, there is still an administrative account on the system and it is still registered to the person I bought it from. Is there a way that I can somehow reboot the system so that I can I register my own name on it. Unfortunately I don't have the original start-up discs or the operating system discs.
Thanks in advance for any answers.

A. You have to set up a new user with an administrative account before you can delete the first one - the machine needs at least one Administrator.

This is easy to do if you have the password for the original account. Go to System Preferences; Users and click the + sign to Add a user, enter the info for your new account, and give it Admin privileges. Reboot or switch users to your new account, then you can go back into Users and delete the old account (-)

If you don't have the password then it becomes more difficult because you can't create a new account (or install software) without an Admin password. You can reset the existing admin password by rebooting the machine from OSX installation disks. Then follow the steps above.

The machine should have been sold to you with the disks, it was improper of the seller not to include them. You can't use OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard or 10.7 Lion on this machine, so new retail disks won't help you. A retail (black label DVD) set of OSX 10.4 or 10.5 should work if you can find some for sale. The bundled restore disks (gray label DVD) will NOT work unless they are for the same model of Mac as yours.

You can contact Apple Support to see if they will sell you appropriate disks for this machine.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How do i back up using Mac OSX Time Machine?

Q. Ok, i have an external hard drive and i used time machine to back up about 80gigs of data. I then proceeded to reinstall snow leopard on my computer cleaning everything off in the process. How do I restore everything to the way it was, I was under the impression that it was similar to System Restore but I'm sure its a bit more complicated then that. Can someone help me please?

A. It's not exactly like Restore but you open Time Machine, go to the date you want. You then need to select what you want to restore. It can be files, folders, Apps, or the the whole drive (although I have not had good luck with that last one. It' probably better to just select the file/folder./app and you'll see the Restore button (bottom right corner) light up. Click it. I think it's better than Restore since you can actually go into the folders and see what files are there. You can see what apps you have installed.

It may make more sense to just Restore exactly what you need instead of installing everything again.

How do I get all of my music, photos, and movies back?
Q. I own a mac and some pop up comes up that says you are low on space. So I follow the instructions from a friend and they tell me to reload the disk that I ran when I got the computer that installs Mac OSX and now all of my stuff is gone. How can I get my old stuff back?

While I'm at it, how can I get rid of all the programs that come on the mac off if I don't need them (iMovie, Address Book, iChat, Mail, GarageBand, etc.)

A. If you reloaded from the restore disk, everything is gone. Your system has been wiped cleaned and restored to factory fresh, out of the box state. Don't do that again. There is other ways to clean up disk space besides wiping it out. People like you keep me employed in the IT business.

How to do a clean install of mac osx on a macbook?
Q. I have a mac book that i need to have wiped and the OS reinstalled i am downloading the OS on a windows machine. how do i burn it and then have the mac book boot from it to reinstall the os

A. Its not really easy to pirate OS X dude.
Somehow you have to get the windows machine to burn it to an iso disk, which you then put in the mac. The mac will check the EFI to see if its legit, and it will do its little Ding.
Hold down the option key when you hear the Ding and wait. You should get a white screen with the disk and the hard drive. Boot from the disk. Try to work your way through the installer, but it might not be easy considering your OS X disk is pirate, so it wont have the special data apple disks have.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

how do u add your wireless internet on windows vista on a mac?

Q. I am running windows vista on boot camp on my mac. I have airport express as my wireless internet. It's not finding the hardware. I have tried plugging in the ethernet cord and it still won't connect. Help!

A. It sounds like you haven't installed the latest Bootcamp drivers for Windows. Get your MacOS install DVD and put it in then start the Bootcamp driver install. If that won't work you could download the latest Bootcamp drivers from the Internet, put them on a USB drive, to get around your networking issues. camp (3.1 is latest, pick 32 or 64 bit as required)

If you ended up doing the DVD-based install, run the Apple Software Update utility to get the latest drivers from the Internet.

can i run vista from my boot camp partition using vmware on my mac?
Q. I boot vista natively from a boot camp partition on my macbook pro. If i install vmware can i boot vista from its existing boot camp partition? I dont want to reactivate windows or reinstall vista or mess up my vista install or anything else ugly and bad. Anybody?

A. No. Essentially you have two choices: run Windows natively off the partition you created with Bootcamp, OR run Windows in a virtual machine (VMWare Fusion or Parallels) on top of the Mac OS. There would be no reason to try to run a virtual machine on the partition, and it wouldn't work anyway, because you'd be trying to run a double Windows OS, rather than Windows itself or Windows in a virtual machine with the Mac OS running underneath.

How can i chose from mac and windows in sistem start up?
Q. I have windows Vista in boot camp in my mac , i was wondering is there a way to chose in system start up with which one to start with ? Without pressing the Alt key i always forget to press it .

A. Keyboard shortcuts during Mac OS X startup

X during startup - Force Mac OS X startup
option - (eventually) brings up a screen with startup volume choices
Option-Command-Shift-Delete - Bypass primary startup volume and seek a different startup volume (such as a CD or external disk)
C - Start up from a CD that has a system folder
N - Attempt to start up from a compatible network server (NetBoot)
T - Start up in FireWire Target Disk mode (very handy for plugging your Mac into another as an external hard drive)
Shift - start up in Safe Boot mode and temporarily disable login items and non-essential kernel extension files (Mac OS X 10.2 and later)
Command-V - Start up in Verbose mode.
Command-S - Start up in Single-User mode
cmd-opt-p-r - Zap PRAM. Hold down until second chime.
cmd-opt-n-v - Clear NV RAM. Similar to reset-all in Open Firmware.
cmd-opt-o-f - Boot into open firmware
hold mouse click - force eject a CD/DVD

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Trying to learn objective C independently with minimal programming background?

Q. The other day I ordered two books:
1) Objective C programing: The big nerd ranch guide
2) iOS Programing: The big nerd ranch guide (3rd edition)

From the reviews on Amazon, these two books got the least negative feedback and both were recommended for beginners.

Is there anything else I need? Anything I should do? My goal is to learn objective C and code iPhone apps. Is a mac required to do this or is my dell fine.

Sorry for all the questions, but I am new to programing and I feel like I will need more resources than what I have.

A. A Mac is required.

Mac mini's sell for pretty cheap though, you will need xCode to make your apps and an apple dev account to publish them. ($100/yr) i believe.

I want to program java and ios apps?
Q. Can anyone tell me all the info i need and anything i need to download what languages i'll have to learn,etc. thanks(:

Oh also i'm 14

A. Go on iTunesU and find "iPad and iPhone Application Development" for video lectures, its not enough though and there are prerequisites.

You'll need to learn Objective-C to program iOS apps, this is a great book to start:

After that move on to the Big Nerd Ranch book:

Even after all that its not enough, you'll just need to do some projects as you learn I suppose.

How can I make an app?
Q. Has anyone seen the app "ifunny"? Its a great app if you find a picture that's actually funny. Most of the posts on there are reposts, kiks, rates and just really nasty crap that has no place on an app. My friends and i (sophomores-juniors in high school) all want to try and make an app that has funny pictures like ifunny (original, of course) and we would be the moderators.

We would like to know if there are any programs that help you make apps, preferably free. And exactly how much does it cost to have an app in Apple's app store? Any tips?

The programs don't have to be at a beginner level but, please, nothing designed for experts in programing areas.

A. The main app you use to develop apps for iOS is called Xcode. It only runs on the mac platform and comes with your mac on one of the cd's. I learned to develop iOS apps from these sources:

Don't forget that Google is you best friend!

Also the people here are extremely helpful if you have a question or problem.

It is actually free to have and submit apps to the app store but to do that you have to be part of the Apple Developers program( which is currently $100.00 USD a year.

Good luck!


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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Can I use a D-Link adapter usb to Connect to the internet without Airport card on macbook?

Q. Well I ordered a macbook pro and its airport card is broken so I cant use wireless internet and i have a D-Link usb adapter can I use that for wireless internet?

A. To answer your question, yes, you should be able to use any USB wireless adapter, or any USB device in general, assuming the manufacturer has Mac drivers available if its not already supported in OSX.

But back up just a second... You ordered a macbook pro (i'm assuming brand new since you didn't state otherwise) and its airport card is broken? Unless you mean "its broken because i dropped my macbook down some stairs and now the wireless card doesn't work" then I would get that puppy to an Apple store or authorized repair center and have it taken care of under your warranty. I'll provide a link to locating an AASP.

How do I network a printer that goes through an XP computer to a Mac OSX computer?
Q. I want to be able to print from the Mac OSX computer directly to the printer that is hooked up to my Win XP computer. They are both connected to a Linksys router. I can't even get them to talk yet so that I can share files. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know how to do it if it was 2 PCs but this Mac thing is throughing me for a loop.
I was already using the XP computer to network with another XP computer and share files and the printer. But now that I'm hooked up to the Mac it's not working.

A. The Mac needs to be talking IP not appletalk. Here is a link for configuring TCP/IP on a MAC.
Once you get them talking you will be able to create a share on the MAC to use the printer, If the printer is directly attached to the PC, then you will need to create a share. The second link is how to select a printer via MAC OS for TCP/IP. TX

Is there a way to get an older version of iMovie when I am currently usuing Mac OSX Leopard?
Q. I feel like before I upgraded my OSX iMovie was a lot more user friendly and I was wondering how I could get an older version of it even if I dont have the original OS that had the iMovie on it.

A. The actual OS does not come with a version of iMovie installed. New computers do, and others need to upgrade. If you move up from OS 10.4 to 10.5 you need to buy the iLife '08 package to get the new iLife programs.

That being said, if you have upgraded to iLife '08 and the new iMovie '08 there is a way to "downgrade" your iMovie. Apple was flooded with complaints from people who were unhappy with the "dumbing down" of iMovie in the new release and wanted their old iMovie HD back. They put a link online at where users who have installed iMovie '08 can download the older version and "downgrade" back to the older version.

There are pros and cons of both versions but the one missing feature in iMovie '08 is the ability to tweak audio levels. You can fade out and fade in but cannot fade in the middle of a song like before. Audio editing in iMovie '08 is actually really poor. On the other hand the real-time editing of '08 is fantastic and the interface is definitely cleaner.

Good luck!

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

How to set up an IMAP mail server with a Mac?

Q. I am looking to set up an IMAP server for my pop email accounts. I would like to find a complete walkthrough for setting up some kind of server for this purpose running OSX (preferably). Any links to sites detailing this or your own walkthrough is greatly welcomed. Thanks.

A. Depending on how someone interprets your question, it is either not possible, or not practical.

What you're asking literally is how to set up a server to communicate to a server. This isn't very practical, because if you were setting up your own server for email, it would make more sense to go ahead and host the mail client on your own server, instead of using a third-party mail client. You would have to have an always-on machine, as well as a static IP from your ISP.

What you're most likely asking (but using the wrong terminology) is that you want to take advantage of IMAP syncing with a POP3 account. This isn't possible, because the mail client has to provide this functionality.

You would be better off just getting a free gmail account, or MobileMe if you wanted PUSH on your mobile device. Both can use IMAP.

What's the best way to remotely sync two drives running OSX 10.5?
Q. I would like to daily sync my main storage drive at the office with one at a satellite office. The reasons for this are (1) to be able to access file from either location, and (2) to have an off-site backup. I've been looking at OpenVPN running on a dd-wrt enhanced router, but this looks like it might not be very reliable.

All of our computers are Macs.

Any suggestions?

A. You want Apple remote desktop.

Alternatively you could sign up for a Mobileme account with Apple which does all that stuff too.

Why is my OSX Lion Mail app Not in sync with my iphone mail app?
Q. When I erase an email on my iphone mail app from hotmail it does not get erased on my OSX Lion Mail app. How do I correct this because it is getting very old having to erase the same messages twice!

A. Go into itunes click on your iDevice and click the info tab, Scroll down to mail click sync mail and select whatever your mail app's called (I'm Win7 so I dunno what it's called) then click apply. Should fix it. If not, go into settings on your idevice and into mail and make sure it deletes from the server and not just from device, or make sure you mac's mail app only displays mail from the server/does not cache eMails

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Monday, March 18, 2013

How do I update my iMovie without getting a new Mac?

Q. I realized that there is an update version of iMovie. I got my iMac in '09 and I want to update my iMovie. Is there a way to do this without getitng a new iMac?

A. Go to the Mac App Store, buy iMovie, download.

How Do You Know If Your iMovie Has Been Updated?
Q. I downloaded the update for iMovie 9.0.2. It said that the Installation was completed. How do i really know if my iMovie has been updated? When i put my mouse over the iMovie icon in the dock should it say "iMovie 9.0.2."? Because everything seems the same. Please help? Thanks.

A. Right-click on the iMovie icon in the dock, choose 'Show in Finder'. When it shows the iMovie application (highlighted), press Cmd-i to view the properties, or right-click on the application and choose 'Get Info'.

Or, open the folder 'Applications', right-click on the iMovie application and choose 'Get Info'.

Or, launch iMovie, then, from the iMovie's menu bar, choose iMovie->About iMovie.

How can i get either sony vegas pro 9 or imovie'11 on my computers ?
Q. i have a mac book 10.5.8 but it says i need a snow leopard software update for imovie'11 to work . i also have a dell dimension 3000 but if i try to download just videos from my camera it doesn't work and i have heard that its so behind the times even if i did install new software it wouldn't be worth it . Any suggestions or instructions as for the best and cheapest thing to do would be hugely appreciated !

A. Upgrade your outdated OS and install iMovie11.

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Sunday, March 17, 2013

What is the easiest laptop that is not a Mac to use for an elementary teacher?

Q. Price limit is not an option. I mainly concern with WiFI, battery life, if it has Microsoft Word, and Windows XP. I wil be creating lesson plans on it and I am not that great with computers. So I want the laptop to be reliable and not complicating to set up. I want a laptop that I can get a lot of good years out of!

A. What determines if a computer is easy or not? Software, right? All PCs come with Windows, but a Mac comes with Mac OS X, the most advanced and easiest to use operating system in the world! Plus, if there's an Apple store near you, they have personalized classes you can take, or plenty of online tutorials strait from Apple!

Take some time to watch this video:

Also, check out iWork. It is made by Apple, and it's soooo much easier to use than MS Word. I started out using MS Word, but Pages just takes the cake. You don't have to fight with putting images within your document. It is so much more fluid. Check out some of the tutorials:

What mac book pro should i get anf what should i get with it?
Q. 13,15,or17 inch and what processor and what apps like iwork and Microsoft office. I don't realy use a computer for stuff other than watch movies and videos from netflix and youtube and I go to school. In 7th grade. I turned 13 2 days ago what should I get?

A. Mac Books can be much easier to use for some people vs. a PC; however, you may be buying a computer that is overpowered, and are thus spending more than you need, if all you intend to use it for is watching movies and doing school work.

Most PC's tend to have more gaming options if you think you'll be gaming on your computer. Additionally, a decently priced ($400-500) PC like Toshiba, Lenovo or Acer should be more than enough. Go for a Dual Core processor around 1.5 Ghz (1.2 through 1.8 GHZ) with 2 GB of ram and a 250-500 GB hard drive. That should be enough.

For school work, save yourself some money by Downloading OpenOffice from for free!

What are the benefits of a Mac over a PC?
Q. What would make me want to spend twice the price for a Mac, especially with the economy as bad as it is?
I'm trying to decide if I should get the Macbook or something like this:

A. It totally depends on what you want to use the machine for.

Macs are nice...I bought one for my wife last year and she loves it. Me, I don't use the thing very much, because I'm a .NET developer and spend my days in a windows environment. She does all kinds of picture stuff, along with the usual word processing and surfing. For her purposes, it's a very very easy system to use and she never has any quirky problems with it. Nearly everything she gets for it is plug and play or very easy to install. Getting it setup on our home network was cake (and the home network is PC based...).

All that said..Apple makes the most proprietary stuff in the world. If you want something for your Mac, you'll likely get it from Apple, and it will cost you more. They are getting better with a lot of stuff, but you've still got a lot to deal with. You can install MS Office on a mac, and it works just as well...but iWork...well, I personally think that is a crappy application at best.

If you are not a Windows power user, you will not regret your decision to purchase a macbook. It will work well, it'll be fast, and it'll be easy to use.

Still, don't listen too much to the Vista haters out there...nearly every vista hater out there has never owned vista, and has not likely tried to install any of their apps in a vista environment. Vista has improved, and is not nearly as bad as it was when it hit the streets. So don't let "vista sucks" be the sole reason for buying a mac.

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what is exactly the difference between mac os x and snow leopard?

Q. I just bought the new 2011 macbook pro and was wondering that my mac came with max osx 10.6.6. What is the purpose of snow leopard or whatever its called. Is it for a more specialized software for developers or is it an upgrade like vista to windows 7? And I heard that mac os Lion is coming out this summer as well too. So basically what is it for and should I buy it when it comes out. Thank you in advance.

A. Sy,

"Mac OS X" is the current nomenclature of the operating system used on Apple laptops and desktop computers. "Mac OS X" is analogous to "Microsoft Windows" in that it indicates which operating system you are using but not which version of the operating system. "Snow Leopard" is the codename for Mac OS X 10.6.

Apple Inc. has extremely competitive pricing for their operating system upgrades. I expect that Mac OS X Lion will be priced at ~ $29 - $49 based on previous experience. "Lion" is expected to bring significant improvements in the user experience based on Apple's mobile operating system "iOS." For example:

Launchpad - Launchpad gives you instant access to your apps â iPad style. Just click the Launchpad icon in your Dock. Your open windows fade away, replaced by an elegant, full-screen display of all the apps on your Mac. It takes just a swipe to see multiple pages of apps, and you can arrange them any way you like by dragging icons to different locations or by grouping apps in folders. And when you download an app from the Mac App Store, it automatically appears in Launchpad.

Full Screen Apps - On iPad, every app is displayed full screen, with no distractions, and thereâs one easy way to get back to all your other apps. Mac OS X Lion does the same for your desktop. You can make a window in an app full screen with one click, switch to another appâs full-screen window with a swipe of the trackpad, and swipe back to the desktop to access your other apps â all without ever leaving the full-screen experience. Systemwide support allows third-party developers to take advantage of full-screen technology to make their apps more immersive, too. So you can concentrate on every detail of your work, or play on a grander scale than ever before.*

Mission Control - Mission Control is a powerful and handy new feature that provides you with a comprehensive look at whatâs running on your Mac. It gives you a birdâs-eye view of everything â including Dashboard and full-screen apps â all in one place. With a simple swipe, your desktop zooms out to Mission Control. There you can see your open windows grouped by app, thumbnails of your full-screen apps, and Dashboard, arranged in a unified view. And you can get to anything you see in Mission Control with just one click. Making you the master of all you survey.

Gestures and Animations - Multi-Touch gestures make everything you do on iPad easy and intuitive. Now a richer Multi-Touch experience comes to the Mac. Enjoy more fluid and realistic gesture responses, including rubber-band scrolling, page and image zoom, and full-screen swiping. In Mac OS X Lion, every swipe, pinch, and scroll looks and feels more responsive and lifelike.

How can I get OS X Mountain Lion on an unsupported Mac?
Q. Is there any program or hack that can make OS X Mountain Lion run on an unsupported Mac?
Illegal? It shouldn't be illegal... Apple is so greedy. They just want you to buy a new computer. It's another one of Apple's countless money scams.

A. It has nothing to do with Apple being greedy. It's no different from Windows. You couldn't install 7 or Vista or XP on a Pentium 1. Very few software hardware relationships last forever. An old computer wouldn't even be capable of carrying enough RAM to run the interface. If they continue to make software usable by all computers from the past, there would be no benefit to having faster processors, better video cards, audio, and faster and better RAM.

What may be an option would be to have a "lite" version that gives some features but not the RAM and processor intensive ones. No one believes they can buy a future-proof computer because it is a myth. At least the OSX software is only $29. And only $20 this time around. How much was Windows 7?

Is there a Mac program that analyzes how often you use programs and access files?
Q. I want to free up space on my mac by moving files I don't use as frequently to my external harddrive. The only problem is: I have a lot of files and folders and I wanted to know if anyone could recommend a program that analyzes your harddrive and shows you which files you use the most frequently. Or even something comparable would be fine.

A. CleanApp ( ) will list your files, rank-ordered according to the last time they were modified, and shows their sizes. You click a checkbox next to the ones you want to delete and can then delete them all with one click. That's more convenient than plowing through one's folders, looking at the "modified" dates. It's compatible with OSX 10.4 - 10.7 (yes, apparently they've tested it already with Lion) PPC and Intel Macs.

It has other useful housecleaning features, too. For example, if you want to delete an app, it will find all of its supporting files (e.g., preferences, or .plists) and delete them as well. (AppCleaner, which is free, does this too: ).

The trial version is limited to 10 of these one-click delete operations, but the license is only $15. Not bad and I find it useful.

BTW, I have no connection with Synium or CleanApp -- just an occasional user.

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